Aggregate-support-list might be used to obtain the results for several queries useful when establishing a connection.
Refers to the TDP whose TDP identifier is addressed by the QEPTIDP field and has length specified by the QEPTLEN field. Since they do not apply, the QEPRQST and QEPTOKEN fields must contain binary zeroes.
Returns a list of pre-determined items that also can be queried individually. The format of, and values returned for, each item are exactly the same as when that item is queried individually. As new support-type items are added in the future, they will also be added to this aggregate list. Therefore, the length of the result may vary depending on the version of CLIv2 or TDP.
Item Code | Mnemonic | Response DBQERASL(DbqerASL for C) | |
Field | Value | ||
24 | QEPIASL | QERASLTS (semanticsStatus for C) is Transaction-semantics-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLLC (conformanceStatus for C) is Language-conformance-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLUC (UpdatableCursorStatus for C) is Updatable-cursor-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLRI (referentialIntegrityStatus for C) is Referential- integrity-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLEP (extendedParcelStatus for C) is Extended-parcel- size-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLSS (singleSignonStatus for C) is Single-signon-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLUP (upsertStatus for C) is UPSERT-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLAO (arrayOpsStatus for C) is Array-operations-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLMI (mergeIntoStatus for C) is MERGE-INTO-support | This value is deprecated: new development should use the QERASLMU value later in this list. One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLLO (lobStatus for C) is Large-object-support |
QERASLER (extendedResponseStatus for C) is Extended-response-support |
QERASLTT (timingTypesStatus for C) is Timestamp-types-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLEH (requestUsage for C) is Expanded-parcel-header-usage | A two-byte unsigned integer containing one of the following:
QERASLRP (responsePositioningStatus for C) is Response-positioning-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLES (statementStatusStatus for C) is Enhanced-statement-status-support |
QERASLUT (userTypesStatus for C) is User-defined-types-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLRA (relaxedArgsStatus for C, RELAXED-ARGS-STATUS for COBOL, RELAXED_ARGS_STATUS for PL/I) is Relaxed-call-args-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLSI (statementInfoStatus for C, STATEMENT-INFO-STATUS for COBOL, STATEMENT_INFO_STATUS for PL/I) is Statement-info-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLID (integerDecimalStatus for C, INTEGER-DECIMAL-STATUS for COBOL, INTEGER-DECIMAL_STATUS for PL/I) is Statement-info-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLRD (returnDataStatus for C, RETURN-DATA-STATUS for COBOL, RETURN_DATA_STATUS for PL/I) is Return-Identity-Data-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLRS resultSetsStatus for C, RESULT-SETS-STATUS for COBOL, RESULT_SETS_STATUS for PL/I) is Result-sets-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLQB (queryBandStatus for C, QUERYBAND-STATUS for COBOL, QUERYBAND_STATUS for PL/I) is QueryBand-support | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
QERASLCC (columnCorrStatus for C, COLUMN-CORR-STATUS for COBOL, COLUMN_CORR_STATUS for PL/I) is Column-correlation-status | One of the following EBCDIC characters:
For applications that support multiple releases of CLIv2, a downlevel CLIv2 could return binary zeroes, which is interpreted as 'N'. |
QERASLMU (mergeIntoUsage for C, MERGE-INTO-USAGE for COBOL, MERGE_INTO_USAGE for PL/I) is Merge-into-usage | A two-byte unsigned integer containing one of the following values:
QERASLLE (loggingerrorsUsage for C, LOGGING-ERRORS-USAGE for COBOL, LOGGING_ERRORS_USAGE for PL/I) is Logging-errors-usage | A two-byte unsigned integer containing one of the following values:
QERASLTO (transformsOffUsage for C, TRANSFORMS-OFF-USAGE for COBOL, TRANSFORMS_OFF_USAGE for PL/I) is Transforms-off-usage | A two-byte unsigned integer containing one of the following values:
24 | QEPIASL | QERASLSU (stmtStatusUsage; for C, STMT-STATUS-USAGE for COBOL, STMT_STATUS_USAGE for PL/I) is Statement-status-usage | A two-byte unsigned integer containing one of the following values:
QERASLSR (statementInfoRequestUsage for C, STATEMENT-INFO-REQUEST USAGE for COBOL, STATEMENT_INFO_REQUEST_US GE for PL/I) is StatementInformation-Request-usage | A two-byte unsigned integer containing one of the following values: