Build-information - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems - 17.20

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Build-information might be used by an advanced application building its own request parcels (DBCAREA option Request-mode=B) to obtain needed information that is otherwise unavailable. Such information might be used to ascertain parcels that the database supports or how to construct such parcels.

Refers to the session whose CLIv2 connection number is specified in the QEPCONN field. Since they do not apply, the QEPTLEN, QEPRQST, and QEPTOKEN fields must contain binary zeroes.

Returns information for advanced applications. Since new items may be added in the future the length of the result may vary depending on the version of CLIv2 or TDP.

Item Code Mnemonic Response DBQERBI (DbqerBI for C)
Field Value
54 QEPIBI QERBIXN ('extNameStatus' for C, EXT-NAME-STATUS for COBOL, EXT_NAME_STATUS for PL/I) One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBIXNN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel Extended-name Response option may not be specified
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBIXNY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel Extended-name Response option may be specified.
One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBISEN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel StatementError option may not be specified.
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBISEY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel StatementError option may be specified.

This information is deprecated by the Multi-statement-errors-support query.

QERBIRC ('rowCountStatus' for C, ROW-COUNT-STATUS for COBOL, ROW_COUNT_STATUS for PL/I) One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBIRCN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the FetchRowCount parcel may not be included.
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBIRCY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the FetchRowCount parcel may be included.
QERBIAT ('arrayXformsOffStatus' for C, ARRAY_XFORMS-OFF-STATUS for COBOL, ARRAY_XFORMS_OFF for PL/I) One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBIATN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel ArrayTransformsOff may not be specified.
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBIATY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel ArrayTransformsOff option may be specified.
QERBIXM ('xmlStatus' for C, XML-STATUS for COBOL, XML_STATUS for PL/I) One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBIXMN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel XML dataType Format option may not be specified.
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBIXMY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel XML dataType Format option may be specified.
QERBIFF ('fastFailStatus' for C, FASTFAIL-STATUS for COBOL, FASTFAIL_STATUS for PL/I) One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBIFFN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel Fast Fail option may not be specified.
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBIFFY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel Fast Fail option may be specified.
  (Reserved: 2 bytes)
QERBISMN ('maxNumSeg' for C, MAX-NUM-SEG for COBOL, MAX_NUM_SEG for PL/I) A two-byte unsigned integer indicating the maximum number of segments that may be used to transfer an SQL Stored Procedure to the database. If the value is zero, then the SQL Stored Procedures are not supported; otherwise, there is no meaningful use for this value. For information about SQL Stored Procedures, see Stored Procedures.
QERBILR ('largeRowsStatus' for C, LARGE-ROWSSTATUS for COBOL, LARGE_ROWS_STATUS for PL/I) One of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • 'N' with mnemonic QERBILRN (QER_NotSupported for C, NOT-SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_NOT_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel Large-Rows Response option may not be specified.
  • 'Y' with mnemonic QERBILRY (QER_Supported for C, SUPPORTED for COBOL, QER_SUPPORTED for PL/I) if the RequestOption parcel Large-Rows Response option may be specified.