QEPITEM Field - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems - 17.20

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

In the QEPITEM field, the following are valid item codes:

Item Code Name Description
1 Installation-Id The Installation-id
2 Session-character-set A session's character set name. This item code is deprecated by item code 46 Session-character-set, which provides exactly the same information.
3 Transaction-semantics-support Defines whether Transaction-semantics are supported
4 Language-conformance-support Defines whether Language-conformance is supported
5 Updatable-cursor-support Defines whether Updatable-cursors are supported
6 Referential-integrity-support Defines whether Referential-integrity is supported
7 Default-transaction-semantics The default Transaction-semantics on the database
8 Extended-parcel-size-support Defines whether parcel sizes greater than 32767 bytes are supported
9 CLIv2-release The CLIv2 release
10 Server-parallelism-factor The extent of parallel processing on the database
11 Maximum-segment-size The maximum size of a data segment
12 TDP-release A TDP's release information
13 Single-signon-support Defines whether Single-signon is supported
14 Session-userid A session's userid
15 UPSERT-support Defines whether UPSERT SQL is supported
16 Array-operations-support Defines whether EXECUTE-FOR SQL is supported
17 MERGE-INTO-support Defines whether MERGE-INTO SQL is supported
18 Large-object-support Defines whether Large-objects are supported. This item is deprecated by item code 57, Integrated-LOB, whose QERILLO value provides exactly the same information.
19 Timing-precision-range The range of Timing-precision values
20 Extended-response-support Defines whether response sizes greater than 65535 bytes are supported
21 Expanded-parcel-header-usage Defines which parcels allow the alternate parcel header
22 Timestamp-types-support Defines whether Timestamp-types are supported
23 Utility-data Data of interest only to proprietary utilities.
24 Aggregate-support-list List of selected other query items.
25 Response-positioning-support Defines whether repositioning of response data is supported.
26 Data-encryption-support Whether data-encryption is supported.
27 Request-message-release Message table release information.
28 Available-character-sets The names of the character sets installed and activated on the database.
29 Enhanced-statement-status-support Whether the database supports enhanced statement results.
30 User-defined-types-support Whether SQL supports user-defined data types.
31 APH-response Defines which response parcels permit the alternate parcel header.
32 Available-logon-mechanisms The names of the available logon mechanisms.
33 Default-character-set The default character set name from either the HSHSPB or database's default character set.
34 Database-release Vantage release and version.
35 CLIv2-limits Database limits affecting an application's values for CLIv2 settings.
36 SQL-limits Database limits affecting an application's use of SQL statements.
37 Relaxed-call-args Defines whether relaxation of SQL CALL arguments is supported.
38 Statement-info-support Defines whether StatementInformation parcels are supported.
39 Integer/decimal-enlargement Defines whether the BIGINT data type is supported, precision for DECIMAL data types may exceed 18, or the maximum precision for decimal data types in responses may be specified.
40 Return-Identity-Data-support Defines whether data may be returned in response to an SQL Insert operation when Identity columns are involved.
41 Result-sets-support Defines whether stored procedures may return the results of their SQL statements to the application.
42 QueryBand-support Defines whether the Teradata SQL SET QUERY_BAND statement is supported.
43 Merge-into-usage Defines whether and how the SQL MERGE INTO statement is supported.
44 Logging-errors-usage Defines whether and how the Teradata SQL LOGGING ERRORS clause is supported.
45 Procedure-data Data of interest to external Stored Procedures.
46 Session-character-set The name of the character set for the session.
47 Column-correlation-support Defines whether the Teradata SQL CREATE, UPDATE, DROP, and HELP CORRELATION statements are supported.
48 Utility-session Data of interest only to proprietary utilities.
49 Database-access-path For mainframe-attached systems, defines a TDPid used to access the requested database.
50 Trusted-session-support Defines whether the Teradata SQL SET QUERY_BAND PROXYUSER statement is honored rather than silently ignored.
51 LOB-Name-support Defines whether the BY NAME phrase is permitted in the USING row descriptor in a request string. This item is deprecated by item code 57, Integrated-LOB, whose QERILLN value provides exactly the same information.
52 Transforms-off-usage Defines whether the constituent attributes of SQL Structured User Defined Types (UDTs) may be referenced.
53 Trusted-request-support Defines whether a request may indicate whether it is trusted to use the Teradata SQL SET‘ QUERY_BAND='PROXYUSER=...' statement to change the session userid.
54 Build-information Session data of interest only to advanced applications building their own request parcels (DBCAREA option Request-mode=B).
55 Multiple-statement-errors-support Defines whether multi-statement SQL requests may return errors for multiple statements in one response.
56 Statement-status-usage Defines whether and when Statement-status parcels may be returned.
57 Integrated-LOB Provides whether and how Large-objects (LOBs) are supported by the database.
58 Unicode Pass Through Provides the Unicode Pass Through usage level.
59 StatementInformation-Request-usage Defines whether StatementInformation parcels may be used in the DBCAREA Parameter-description-pointer area.
60 SET-TRANSFORM-support Defines whether a request may contain a SET TRANSFORM SQL statement.