In the QEPITEM field, the following are valid item codes:
Item Code | Name | Description |
1 | Installation-Id | The Installation-id |
2 | Session-character-set | A session's character set name. This item code is deprecated by item code 46 Session-character-set, which provides exactly the same information. |
3 | Transaction-semantics-support | Defines whether Transaction-semantics are supported |
4 | Language-conformance-support | Defines whether Language-conformance is supported |
5 | Updatable-cursor-support | Defines whether Updatable-cursors are supported |
6 | Referential-integrity-support | Defines whether Referential-integrity is supported |
7 | Default-transaction-semantics | The default Transaction-semantics on the database |
8 | Extended-parcel-size-support | Defines whether parcel sizes greater than 32767 bytes are supported |
9 | CLIv2-release | The CLIv2 release |
10 | Server-parallelism-factor | The extent of parallel processing on the database |
11 | Maximum-segment-size | The maximum size of a data segment |
12 | TDP-release | A TDP's release information |
13 | Single-signon-support | Defines whether Single-signon is supported |
14 | Session-userid | A session's userid |
15 | UPSERT-support | Defines whether UPSERT SQL is supported |
16 | Array-operations-support | Defines whether EXECUTE-FOR SQL is supported |
17 | MERGE-INTO-support | Defines whether MERGE-INTO SQL is supported |
18 | Large-object-support | Defines whether Large-objects are supported. This item is deprecated by item code 57, Integrated-LOB, whose QERILLO value provides exactly the same information. |
19 | Timing-precision-range | The range of Timing-precision values |
20 | Extended-response-support | Defines whether response sizes greater than 65535 bytes are supported |
21 | Expanded-parcel-header-usage | Defines which parcels allow the alternate parcel header |
22 | Timestamp-types-support | Defines whether Timestamp-types are supported |
23 | Utility-data | Data of interest only to proprietary utilities. |
24 | Aggregate-support-list | List of selected other query items. |
25 | Response-positioning-support | Defines whether repositioning of response data is supported. |
26 | Data-encryption-support | Whether data-encryption is supported. |
27 | Request-message-release | Message table release information. |
28 | Available-character-sets | The names of the character sets installed and activated on the database. |
29 | Enhanced-statement-status-support | Whether the database supports enhanced statement results. |
30 | User-defined-types-support | Whether SQL supports user-defined data types. |
31 | APH-response | Defines which response parcels permit the alternate parcel header. |
32 | Available-logon-mechanisms | The names of the available logon mechanisms. |
33 | Default-character-set | The default character set name from either the HSHSPB or database's default character set. |
34 | Database-release | Vantage release and version. |
35 | CLIv2-limits | Database limits affecting an application's values for CLIv2 settings. |
36 | SQL-limits | Database limits affecting an application's use of SQL statements. |
37 | Relaxed-call-args | Defines whether relaxation of SQL CALL arguments is supported. |
38 | Statement-info-support | Defines whether StatementInformation parcels are supported. |
39 | Integer/decimal-enlargement | Defines whether the BIGINT data type is supported, precision for DECIMAL data types may exceed 18, or the maximum precision for decimal data types in responses may be specified. |
40 | Return-Identity-Data-support | Defines whether data may be returned in response to an SQL Insert operation when Identity columns are involved. |
41 | Result-sets-support | Defines whether stored procedures may return the results of their SQL statements to the application. |
42 | QueryBand-support | Defines whether the Teradata SQL SET QUERY_BAND statement is supported. |
43 | Merge-into-usage | Defines whether and how the SQL MERGE INTO statement is supported. |
44 | Logging-errors-usage | Defines whether and how the Teradata SQL LOGGING ERRORS clause is supported. |
45 | Procedure-data | Data of interest to external Stored Procedures. |
46 | Session-character-set | The name of the character set for the session. |
47 | Column-correlation-support | Defines whether the Teradata SQL CREATE, UPDATE, DROP, and HELP CORRELATION statements are supported. |
48 | Utility-session | Data of interest only to proprietary utilities. |
49 | Database-access-path | For mainframe-attached systems, defines a TDPid used to access the requested database. |
50 | Trusted-session-support | Defines whether the Teradata SQL SET QUERY_BAND PROXYUSER statement is honored rather than silently ignored. |
51 | LOB-Name-support | Defines whether the BY NAME phrase is permitted in the USING row descriptor in a request string. This item is deprecated by item code 57, Integrated-LOB, whose QERILLN value provides exactly the same information. |
52 | Transforms-off-usage | Defines whether the constituent attributes of SQL Structured User Defined Types (UDTs) may be referenced. |
53 | Trusted-request-support | Defines whether a request may indicate whether it is trusted to use the Teradata SQL SET‘ QUERY_BAND='PROXYUSER=...' statement to change the session userid. |
54 | Build-information | Session data of interest only to advanced applications building their own request parcels (DBCAREA option Request-mode=B). |
55 | Multiple-statement-errors-support | Defines whether multi-statement SQL requests may return errors for multiple statements in one response. |
56 | Statement-status-usage | Defines whether and when Statement-status parcels may be returned. |
57 | Integrated-LOB | Provides whether and how Large-objects (LOBs) are supported by the database. |
58 | Unicode Pass Through | Provides the Unicode Pass Through usage level. |
59 | StatementInformation-Request-usage | Defines whether StatementInformation parcels may be used in the DBCAREA Parameter-description-pointer area. |
60 | SET-TRANSFORM-support | Defines whether a request may contain a SET TRANSFORM SQL statement. |