The character set on the database named HANGULEBCDIC933_1II is intended as an extended EBCDIC character set consisting of both one and two-bytes per character. Architecturally, the EBCDIC encoding scheme consists of 256 possible values (codepoints) represented as hexadecimal values in the range X'00' to X'FF'.
To support more than 256 codepoints, the EBCDIC encoding scheme is extended by defining the Shift-out control character to switch from one byte per character to two bytes per character until the Shift-in control character is encountered. The first byte of codepoints between the Shift-out and Shift-in control characters is always between X'41' and X'FE'. Currently, the second byte is also between X'41' and X'FE'. The X'4040' codepoint is defined as the Double-byte Space character. No double-byte control characters exist. The double-byte characters are not described.
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | xA | xB | xC | xD | xE | xF | |
0x | NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | HT | DEL | VT | FF | CR | SO | SI | |||||
1x | DLE | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | BS | CAN | EM | IS4 | IS3 | IS2 | IS1 | |||||
2x | LF | ETB | ESC | ENQ | ACK | BEL | ||||||||||
3x | SYN | EOT | DC4 | NAK | SUB | |||||||||||
4x | SP | ¢ | · | < | ( | + | | | |||||||||
5x | & | ! | $ | * | ) | ; | ^ | |||||||||
6x | - | / | | | ¸ | % | _ | > | ? | ||||||||
7x | [ | ` | : | # | @ | ' | = | " | ||||||||
8x | ] | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | ||||||
9x | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | |||||||
Ax | ~ | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | |||||||
Bx | ^ | \ | ] | ´ | ||||||||||||
Cx | { | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | ||||||
Dx | } | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | ||||||
Ex | \ | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |||||||
Fx | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
Control character codepoints | ||||||||||||||||
Reserved codepoints | ||||||||||||||||
Hangul codepoints. Refer to the table titled Hangul Codepoint Assignments for HANGULEBCDIC933_1II for details. |
The database rejects character data containing any single or double byte reserved codepoint and will not identify which invalid codepoint was present.
IBM GCGID | IBM description | |
codepoint | Unicode code | Unicode name |
42 | SP490000 | Korean fill (NULL) |
U+FFA0 | Halfwidth Hangul Filler | |
43 | OG000000 | Hangul 'G' |
U+FFA1 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter kiyeok | |
44 | OG100000 | Hangul 'GG' |
U+FFA2 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter ssangkiyeok | |
45 | OG20000 | Hangul 'GS' |
U+FFA3 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter kiyeok-sios | |
46 | ON00000 | Hangul 'N' |
U+FFA4 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter nieun | |
47 | ON150000 | Hangul 'NJ' |
U+FFA5 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter nieun-cieuc | |
48 | ON100000 | Hangul 'NH' |
U+FFA6 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter nieun-hieuh | |
49 | OD000000 | Hangul 'D' |
U+FFA7 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter tikeut | |
52 | OD100000 | Hangul 'DD' |
U+FFA8 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter ssangtikeut | |
53 | OL000000 | Hangul 'L' |
U+FFA9 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul | |
54 | OL200000 | Hangul 'LG' |
U+FFAA | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-kiyeok | |
55 | OL400000 | Hangul 'LM' |
U+FFAB | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-mieum | |
56 | OL100000 | Hangul 'LB' |
U+FFAC | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-pieup | |
57 | OL600000 | Hangul 'LS' |
U+FFAD | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-sios | |
58 | OL700000 | Hangul 'LT' |
U+FFAE | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-thieuth | |
59 | OL500000 | Hangul 'LP' |
U+FFAF | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-phieuph | |
62 | OL300000 | Hangul 'LH' |
U+FFB0 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter rieul-hieuh | |
63 | OM000000 | Hangul 'M' |
U+FFB1 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter mieum | |
64 | OB000000 | Hangul 'B' |
U+FFB2 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter pieup | |
65 | OB100000 | Hangul 'BB' |
U+FFB3 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter ssangpieup | |
66 | OB2000000 | Hangul 'BS' |
U+FFB4 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter pieup-sios | |
67 | OS0000000 | Hangul 'S' |
U+FFB5 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter sios | |
68 | OS100000 | Hangul 'SS' |
U+FFB6 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter ssangsios | |
69 | ON2000000 | Hangul 'NG'/'W' |
U+FFB7 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter ieung | |
72 | OJ000000 | Hangul 'J' |
U+FFB8 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter cieuc | |
73 | OJ100000 | Hangul 'JJ' |
U+FFB9 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter ssangcieuc | |
74 | OC200000 | Hangul 'CH' |
U+FFBA | Halfwidth Hangul Letter chieuch | |
75 | OK000000 | Hangul 'K' |
U+FFBB | Halfwidth Hangul Letter khieukh | |
76 | OT000000 | Hangul 'T' |
U+FFBC | Halfwidth Hangul Letter thieuth | |
77 | OP000000 | Hangul 'P' |
U+FFBD | Halfwidth Hangul Letter phieuph | |
78 | OH000000 | Hangul 'H' |
U+FFBE | Halfwidth Hangul Letter hieuh | |
8A | OA000000 | Hangul 'A' |
U+FFC2 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'A' | |
8B | OA200000 | Hangul 'AE' |
U+FFC3 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'AE' | |
8C | OY200000 | Hangul 'YA' |
U+FFC4 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YA' | |
8D | OY250000 | Hangul 'YAE' |
U+FFC5 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YAE' | |
8E | OE200000 | Hangul 'EO' |
U+FFC6 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'EO' | |
8F | OE000000 | Hangul 'E' |
U+FFC7 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'E' | |
9A | OY400000 | Hangul 'YEO' |
U+FFCA | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YEO' | |
9B | OY300000 | Hangul 'YE' |
U+FFCB | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YE' | |
9C | OO000000 | Hangul 'O' |
U+FFCC | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'O' | |
9D | OO100000 | Hangul 'OA' |
U+FFCD | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'WA' | |
9E | OO200000 | Hangul 'OAE' |
U+FFCE | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'WAE' | |
9F | OO300000 | Hangul 'OI' |
U+FFCF | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'OE' | |
AA | OY500000 | Hangul 'YO' |
U+FFD2 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YO' | |
AB | OU000000 | Hangul 'U' |
U+FFD3 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'U' | |
AC | OU300000 | Hangul 'UEO' |
U+FFD4 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'WEO' | |
AD | OU200000 | Hangul 'UE' |
U+FFD5 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'WE' | |
AE | OU400000 | Hangul 'UI' |
U+FFD6 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'WI' | |
AF | OY600000 | Hangul 'YU' |
U+FFD7 | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YU' | |
BA | OE300000 | Hangul 'EU' |
U+FFDA | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'EU' | |
BB | OE400000 | Hangul 'EUI' |
U+FFDB | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'YI' | |
BC | OI000000 | Hangul 'I' |
U+FFDC | Halfwidth Hangul Letter 'I' |
Graphic characters do not correspond to a known IBM codepage (given its CCSID of 00933, the single-byte codepage should be 00833). The control characters and Eight Ones character are non-standard because non-EBCDIC control characters appear in the range reserved for control characters, all common control characters are not present, and the Eight Ones character is not supported. Codepoint X'5F' should be a Logical NOT but the database defines it as a Circumflex accent. Codepoint X'6A' should be a Broken Vertical line but the database defines it as a Vertical Line. Codepoint X'A0' should be an Overline but, to the database, it is unsupported. Codepoint X'E0' should be Won but the database defines it as Backslash.
The database incorrectly returns a X'4F' codepoint as a X'6A' codepoint. The database incorrectly returns a X'5F' codepoint as a X'B0' codepoint. The database incorrectly returns an X'80' codepoint as a X'BD' codepoint. The database incorrectly returns a X'B2' codepoint as an X'E0' codepoint.
No special processing is performed by the database for control characters, except for Shift Out and Shift In, which switch to and from double-byte codepoints.