KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I |Teradata® Mainframe-Attached Systems - KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems - 17.20

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The character set on the database named KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I is intended as an extended EBCDIC character set consisting of both one and two-bytes per character. Architecturally, the EBCDIC encoding scheme consists of 256 possible values (codepoints) represented as hexadecimal values in the range X'00' to X'FF'.

To support more than 256 codepoints, the EBCDIC encoding scheme is extended by defining the Shift-out control character to switch from one byte per character to two bytes per character until the Shift-in control character is encountered. The first byte of codepoints between the Shift-out and Shift-in control characters is always between X'41' and X'FE'. Currently, the second byte is also between X'41' and X'FE'. The X'4040' codepoint is defined as the Double-byte Space character. No double-byte control characters exist. The double-byte characters are not described.

Single-byte Teradata KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I Codepage
  x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
0x NUL SOH STX ETX   HT           VT FF CR SO SI
1x             BS   CAN EM     IS4 IS3 IS2 IS1
2x           LF ETB ESC           ENQ ACK BEL
3x     SYN         EOT           NAK    
4x SP  
¢ · < ( + |
5x &
! $ * ) ; ¬
6x - /
  ¸ % _ > ?
` : # @ ' = "
8x   a b c d e f g h i
9x   j k l m n o p q r
Ax ~ s t u v w x y z
Bx ^ £ ¥
Cx { A B C D E F G H I            
Dx } J K L M N O P Q R            
Ex \   S T U V W X Y Z            
Fx 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9            
Control character codepoints                          
Reserved codepoints                            
Katakana codepoints. See the table titled Kanji Codepoint Assignments for KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I for details.                

The database rejects character data containing any single or double byte reserved codepoint and will not identify which invalid codepoint was present.

Kanji Codepoint Assignments for KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I
  IBM GCGID IBM description
codepoint Unicode code Unicode name
42 JQ700000 Katakana full stop
U+FF61 Halfwidth Ideographic Full Stop
43 JQ710000 Katakana left Bracket
U+FF62 Halfwidth Left Corner Bracket
44 JQ720000 Katakana right Bracket
U+FF63 Halfwidth Right Corner Bracket
45 JQ730000 Katakana comma
U+FF64 Halfwidth Ideographic Comma
46 JQ74000 Katakana conjunctive symbol
U+FF65 Halfwidth Katakana Middle Dot
47 JW500000 Katakana 'WO'
U+FF66 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'WO'
48 JA010000 Katakana 'a'
U+FF67 Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'a'
49 JI010000 Katakana 'i'
U+FF68 Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'i'
51 JU010000 Katakana 'u'
U+FF69 Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'u'
52 JE010000 Katakana 'e'
U+FF6A Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'e'
53 JO010000 Katakana 'o'
U+FF6B Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'o'
54 JY110000 Katakana 'ya'
U+FF6C Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'ya'
55 JY310000 Katakana 'yu'
U+FF6D Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'yu'
56 JY510000 Katakana 'yo'
U+FF6E Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'yo'
57 JT310000 Katakana 'tu'/'tsu'
U+FF6F Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small 'tu'
58 JX700000 Katakana prolonged sound symbol
U+FF70 Halfwidth Katakana-Hiragana prolonged sound mark
59 JA000000 Katakana 'A'
U+FF71 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'A'
62 JI000000  
U+FF72 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'I'
63 JU000000 Katakana 'U'
U+FF73 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'U'
64 JE000000 Katakana 'E'
U+FF74 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'E'
65 JO000000 Katakana 'O'
U+FF75 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'O'
66 JK100000 Katakana 'KA'
U+FF76 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'KA'
67 JK200000 Katakana 'KI'
U+FF77 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'KI'
68 JK300000 Katakana 'KU'
U+FF78 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'KU'
69 JK400000 Katakana 'KE'
U+FF79 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'KE'
70 JK500000 'Katakana 'KO'
U+FF7A Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'KO'
71 JS100000 Katakana 'SA'
U+FF7B Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'SA'
72 JS200000 Katakana 'SI'/'SHI'
U+FF7C Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'SI'
73 JS300000 Katakana 'SU'
U+FF7D Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'SU'
74 JS400000 Katakana 'SE'
U+FF7E Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'SE'
75 JS500000 Katakana 'SO'
U+FF7F Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'SO'
76 JT100000 Katakana 'TA'
U+FF80 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'TA'
77 JT200000 Katakana 'TI'/'CHI'
U+FF81 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'TI'
78 JT300000 Katakana 'TU'/'TSU'
U+FF82 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'TU'
8A JT400000 Katakana 'TE'
U+FF83 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'TE'
8B JT500000 Katakana 'TO'
U+FF84 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'TO'
8C JN100000 Katakana 'NA'
U+FF85 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'NA'
8D JN200000 Katakana 'NI'
U+FF86 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'NI'
8E JN300000 Katakana 'NU'
U+FF87 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'NU'
8F JN400000 Katakana 'NE'
U+FF88 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'NE'
9A JN500000 Katakana 'NO'
U+FF89 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'NO'
9B JH100000 Katakana 'MH'
U+FF8A Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'MH'
9C JH200000 Katakana 'HI'
U+FF8B Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'HI'
9D JH300000 Katakana 'HU'/'FU'
U+FF8C Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'HU'
9E JH400000 Katakana 'HE'
U+FF8D Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'HE'
9F JH500000 Katakana 'HO'
U+FF8E Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'HO'
AA JM100000 Katakana 'MA'
U+FF8F Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'MA'
AB JM200000 Katakana 'MI'
U+FF90 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'MI'
AC JM300000 Katakana 'MU'
U+FF91 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'MU'
AE JM400000 Katakana 'ME'
U+FF92 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'ME'
AF JM500000 Katakana 'MO'
U+FF93 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'MO'
B3 JY100000 Katakana 'YA'
U+FF94 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'YA'
B4 JY300000 Katakana 'YU'
U+FF95 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'YU'
B5 JY500000 Katakana 'YO'
U+FF96 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'YO'
B6 JR100000 Katakana 'RA'
U+FF97 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'RA'
B7 JR200000 Katakana Letter 'RI'
U+FF98 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'RI'
B8 JR300000 Katakana 'RU'
U+FF99 Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'RU'
B9 JR400000 Katakana 'RE'
U+FF9A Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'RE'
BA JR500000 Katakana 'RO'
U+FF9B Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'RO'
BB JW100000 Katakana 'WA'
U+FF9C Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'WA'
BC JN000000 Katakana 'N'
U+FF9D Halfwidth Katakana Letter 'N'
BE JX710000 Voiced sound symbol
U+FF9E Halfwidth Katakana Voiced sound Mark
BF JX720000 Semi-voiced sound symbol
U+FF9F Halfwidth Katakana Semi-voiced sound Mark

While graphic characters adhere to the standard definition for IBM code page 01027, the control characters and Eight Ones character do not because all common control characters are not present, and the Eight Ones character is not included.

The database defines the Overline character for KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I, KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I, Katakana, and SCHEBCDIC935_2IJ differently than for the other character sets. If this character is sent to the database using a character set in one group but received from the database using a character set in the other group, the codepoint will change.

No special processing is performed by the database for control characters, except for Shift Out and Shift In, which switch to and from double-byte codepoints.