- A USING row descriptor that specifies CLOB or BLOB AS DEFERRED. The result is one of the following:
- An ElicitData parcel in the response that contains the token specified as the Using-data for the AS DEFERRED field.
- An ElicitDataByName parcel in the response which contains the name specified in the BY NAME phrase.
- A CREATE or REPLACE for an executable item, such as FUNCTION, that specifies the EXTERNAL NAME clause. The result is an ElicitFile parcel that contains the filename specified by the EXTERNAL clause.
When either parcel is received, the application then sends data to complete the SQL request using the ContinueRequest function.
Usage Notes
The application should call the CRQ function after processing an ElicitData or ElicitFile response parcel. If return Code is zero, the application must invoke the FET function to process the response. If more data exists, these steps are repeated as many times as necessary.
DBCAREA Input Fields
Before using the Continue Request function, the application must set the DBCAREA fields in the first table and may optionally set those in the second table depending on the application's requirements.
DBCAREA Input Fields Required for the Continue Request Function | |
Continued-data | Function |
Input-CLIv2-connection-number | Input-CLIv2-request-number |
Request-length | Request-pointer |
When processing an ElicitData parcel, the Request-pointer addresses data for the Large Object (LOB). The LOB begins with an 8-byte unsigned integer that contains the length, in bytes, of the data. If the length is not known when the start of the LOB is sent, the length field might be zero.
When processing an executable item, the Request-pointer addresses its statements, which do not begin with a length field.
DBCAREA Input Fields Optional for the Continue Request Function | |
Change-options | C2S-conversion |
Fetch Buffer Length | Locate-mode |
Maximum-parcel | Message-area-length |
Message-area-pointer |
DBCAREA Output Fields
Upon completion of the Continue Request function, CLIv2 always sets DBCAREA fields in the first table and will set those in the second table if the function was successful.
DBCAREA Output Fields always set by the Continue Request Function | |
Message-length | Message-return-code |
Message-return-code | Message-text |
Message-text-length | Message-return-code |
Return Code |
DBCAREA Output Fields set by Successful Continue Request Functions | |
Current-request-buffer-length | Current-response-buffer-length |