The DBCAIRX extension contains two logical sections:
- Header
- Element
Three possible header formats are available for the DBCAIRX.
- The following figure illustrates the header if the Eyecatcher field is set to 'IRX8'. The Total Size field of four bytes in length is used and additional fields are present at the end of the header and pointer-element.
- The Deprecated DBCAIRX Header Fields (Eyecatcher = ‘IRX‘) figure illustrates the header if the Eyecatcher field set to ‘IRX‘, the Total Size field of 4 bytes in length is used.
- The Deprecated DBCAIRX Header Fields (Eyecatcher = ‘DBCX‘) figure illustrates the header if the
Eyecatcher field set to ‘DBCX‘, the Total-length field of 2 bytes in length is
used.New development should use only the 'IRX8' form. The others are deprecated.
DBCAIRX Header Fields (Eyecatcher is ‘IRX8‘)

Deprecated DBCAIRX Headers
Deprecated Header Fields (Eyecatcher = ‘IRX‘)
Deprecated Header Fields (Eyecatcher = ‘DBCX‘)