Input-TDP-path is an eight-byte field that specifies the route to the database if it is not specified (as TDPid) in the logon string.
In this language... | The variable name for Input-TDP-path is... |
C, C++ | i_dbcpath |
IBM Assembler | DBCNITDP |
This routine... | Does this for Input-TDP-path... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | reads (CON) CON |
Input-TDP-path is used by... | To... |
applications | write |
The specified TDP identifier (TDPid) must only contain characters from the standard EBCDIC character set. When DBCHCL is called for the Connect function, TDPid is obtained from the logon string if one is provided and contains a TDPid. If TDPid is not available from the logon string, then DBCHCL takes TDPid from Input-TDP-path. If the first character of Input-TDP-path is hex 00 or 40, DBCHCL obtains TDPid from MVSTDP for z/OS in the HSHSPB.
On z/OS, TDPid specifies the z/OS subsystem name, which must have the form TDPx, where x is 0-9, A-Z (not case specific), $, #, or @. The first three characters must be TDP.