Language-id is a four-byte field that specifies the language to be used for all CLIv2 error messages returned in the Message-text DBCAREA field, and that were associated with the session being connected. The value specifies a two-character Language-id.
If a language is commonly used in several countries, the Country-id can be used to select messages that are unique to that country. The Language-id is defined by the ISO 639 standard. The entire value is in EBCDIC, and both lowercase and uppercase characters are permitted.
In this language... |
The variable name for Language-id is... |
PL/I |
C, C++ |
dbcniLid (case is significant) |
IBM Assembler |
This routine... |
Does this for Language-id. . . |
writes |
reads (CON) |
Language-id is used by... |
To... |
applications |
write |