The following specifications apply to multibyte character sets.
Session Character Set | Specification |
HANGULEBCDIC933_1II, KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I, KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I, KATAKANAEBCDIC, SCHEBCDIC935_2IJ, or TCHEBCDIC937_3IB | Double-byte characters may be included by preceding each contiguous group of them with the Shift-out control byte, (X'0E'), and following this group with the Shift-in control byte, (X'0F'). Any TDP identifier and all delimiters (slash, commas, blanks, quotation marks, apostrophes) must be specified as single-byte characters. |
KANJIEUC_0U | Each character requires one or two bytes, each possibly preceded by a Single-shift-2, X'8E'), or Single-shift-3, (X'8F'), control byte. So each character requires a total of between one and three bytes. Any TDP identifier and all delimiters (slash, commas, blanks, quotation marks, apostrophes) must be specified as single-byte characters. |
HANGUL949_7R0, HANGULKSC5601_2R4, KANJI932_1S0, KANJISJIS_0S, SCHGB2312_1T0, SCHINESE936_6R0, TCHBIG5_1R0, or TCHINESE950_8R0 | Each character requires one or two bytes. Any TDP identifier and all delimiters (slash, commas, blanks, quotation marks, apostrophes) must be specified as single-byte characters. |
UTF-8 | Each character requires between one and three bytes. Any TDP identifier and all delimiters (slash, commas, blanks, quotation marks, apostrophes) must be specified as single-byte characters. |
UTF-16 | Each character requires two bytes. Any TDP identifier and all delimiters (slash, comma, blanks, quotation marks, apostrophes) must be from the basic repertoire, that is, unaccented Latin characters. |