Maximum-parcel is initialized to the default value provided for Maximum-parcel in the site‘s HSHSPB. If the value is not appropriate for an application, the application can, before calling DBCHCL for Connect, change the values as follows:
- Set Change-options to 'Y'.
- Change the value for Maximum-parcel as follows:
If... Then change the value for Maximum-parcel to... the original limit of 32767 is the maximum size of one parcel O if the higher limit of 2,147,483,647 bytes is the maximum size of one parcel H For new applications, Maximum-parcel=H should always be specified.
Use mnemonics for the codes. Mnemonics are provided in the language definition file for the DBCAREA.
A Maximum-parcel value of 'H' is required for a Response-buffer-length greater than 32767. If the database requires a response buffer larger than 65535 bytes but Maximum-parcel is not set to H, then an Error parcel with error code 3177 is returned.