If additional data is required by the specified Mechanism-name, Mechanism-data-length specifies the length, in bytes, of the area addressed by Logon-mechanism-data-pointer. If a Mechanism-name is not specified, the value will be ignored.
Mechanism-data-len exists only when DBCHINI had been called for a DBCAREA with Total-length set to at least 640 (that is, the returned DBCAREA Level value is at least 1). For a smaller DBCAREA, Mechanism-data-len is ignored.
Logon mechanisms are currently not supported for a mainframe-connected system.
In this language... | The variable name for Mechanism-data-length is... |
C, C++ | mechanismDataLen |
IBM Assembler | DBCNIMDL |
This routine... | Does this for Mechanism-data-length... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | reads (CON) |
Mechanism-data-length is used by... | To... |
applications | write |
The value must be positive with a maximum value of:
- 32763 if the Maximum-parcel option is set to O, or
- 65531 if the Maximum-parcel option is set to H.
This field is ignored if Varying-length-request is set to Y, in which case Logon-mechanism-data-pointer addresses a two-byte area containing the length of the data, followed by the data itself.