Output-TDP-path is an eight byte field that specifies the route used to send session data to and from the database. On mainframe-attached systems, this is the TDPid. This information is also available using the Database-access-path DBCHQE query.
In this language... | The variable name for Output-CLIv2-connection-number is... |
C, C++ | o_sess_id |
IBM Assembler | DBCOCONN |
This routine... | Does this for Output-CLIv2-connection-number... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | writes (CON) |
Output-CLIv2-connection-number is used by... | To... |
applications | read |
After the application regains control from a call to DBCHCL for the Connect function, the connection number is available in the DBCAREA in Output-CLIv2-connection-number.
Before using the DBCAREA again to call DBCHCL for the session, the application must copy the value to Input-CLIv2-connection-number.
Compare with Output-TDP-session-number.
Note that both the TDP and CLIv2 have a number for each session, and that the two numbers are not identical.