Positioning-value specifies either the row number, the byte offset into a BLOB, or the character offset into a CLOB, from which the Fetch is to be performed when Positioning-action indicates other than Next-parcel.
When specifying a row number, by convention, a value of zero represents parcels that precede the first row (such as Success, OK, or StatementStatus). When specifying a byte or character offset, by convention, a value of zero corresponds to the first byte or character. A value of zero also returns Success or StatementStatus, Data-information-extended, and No-operation parcels before the Multipart-record parcel for the start of the data.
In this language... | The variable name for Positioning-value is... |
C, C++ | dbfiPVal |
IBM Assembler | DBFIPVAL |
This routine... | Does this for Positioning-value... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | reads (FET) |
Positioning-value is used by... | To... |
applications | write |
Use of this setting does not require use of Change-option. That is, honoring Positioning-value depends only upon the setting of Positioning-action, not Change-option.