Return-code is a four byte field that specifies the state of the call as known by DBCHCL and TDP.
In this language... | The variable name for Return-code is... |
C, C++ | return_cd |
IBM Assembler | DBCRCODE |
This routine... | Does this for Return-code... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | writes |
Return-code is used by... | To... |
applications | read |
Applications should access the return code using a more reliable method than using the Return-code in the DBCAREA.
Some recommended options include the following:
- Use the Assembler register 15 (the most direct method for getting the return code).
- Include a parameter in the call itself, in which the return code will be placed (note that if CLIv2 cannot access this parameter, the return code will not be placed in it).
After regaining control from DBCHCL, the application can use the Return-code as the first indicator (initial status) of the success of the call, from the point of view of CLIv2 and the TDP.