USING-data-count is a four-byte field that when not zero indicates USING-data-pointer-vector addresses a vector of pointers to areas containing data that is associated with the USING clause in the request string. The number of pointers in the vector is the value of USING-data-count. If Variable-length-request is not specified, USING-data-length-vector addresses a vector of four byte values containing the length of each area of using-data. If Variable-length-request is specified, USING-data-length-vector is unused.
A USING-data-count of one (along with the associated data and length) is functionally equivalent to the existing USING-data-pointer (along with the associated length). A USING-data-count greater than one will be rejected if Vantage does not support Array Operations. The DBCHQE Array-operations query may be used to ascertain whether Vantage supports this feature. To determine the maximum number of array elements that fits in a message, use the SQL-limits Query ‘QEPISQL’ field QERSQLIC.
USING-data-count exists only when DBCHINI had been called for a DBCAREA with Total-length set to at least 640 (that is, the returned DBCAREA Level value is at least 1). For a smaller DBCAREA, USING-data-count is ignored.
In this language... | The variable name for USING-data-count is... |
C, C++ | dbriUDC |
IBM Assembler | DBRIUDC |
This routine... | Does this for USING-data-count... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | reads (RSUP; IWPF; IRQ) |
USING-data-count is used by... | To... |
applications | write |
Before calling DBCHCL for the Initiate Request function when the request contains a USING modifier, the application must provide the associated using-data. Variable-length-request applies as follows:
When Variable-length-request is set to this value... | Then... |
Y | USING-data-length-vector is ignored and each data area addressed by USING-data-pointer-vector must point to the two-byte area containing the length of using-data, which is followed by the actual using-data. |
N | the entries of USING-data-length-vector specify the length for each area. |
Since CLIv2 does not parse the request string, the application must set USING-data appropriately.