The application should save the current Teradata SQL request and any Teradata SQL request for which the response is being held on the database, in case they must be resubmitted. If a transaction spans more than one request, all the requests should be saved, in case the transaction must be resubmitted.
The guidelines for responding to the error and failure parcel codes are listed in the following table.
Code | Message | Action |
Failure Code 2631 | transaction aborted due to deadlock. | Resubmit the transaction |
Failure Code 2639 | sorry, too many simultaneous transactions. | Resubmit the request |
Failure Code 2641 | databasename.tablename was restructured. | Resubmit the transaction |
Error Code 2825 | no record of the last request was found after database restart. | Resubmit the Teradata SQL request |
Error Code 2826 | request completed but all output was lost due to database restart. | Whether or not the original Teradata SQL request should be resubmitted to obtain the response depends on the nature of the request. For instance, if the request was to display certain data, the original request can safely be resubmitted. If the request was to multiply the values in a column by 10 and the request is resubmitted, the column will in effect have been multiplied by 100, so it is not safe to resubmit the original request. |
Failure Code 2827 | request was aborted by user or due to statement error. | The circumstances may not warrant resubmitting anything at all; however, if resubmission is appropriate, resubmit the transaction |
Failure Code 2828 | request was rolled back during system recovery. | The transaction was lost due to a crash; resubmit the transaction |
Failure Code 2835 | a unique index has been invalidated; resubmit transaction. | Resubmit the transaction |
Failure Code 3111 | the transaction has been timed out. | Resubmit the transaction |
Error Code 3115 | a response parcel greater than 32767 bytes but the CLIv2 Maximum-parcel option to allow larger parcels was not specified. | Specify the Maximum-parcel option to allow larger parcels |
an invalid value was returned by the database for the Error parcel information field, being either 0 or not greater than the existing buffer size. | Report the database problem to the Global Support Center | |
Error Code 3116 | an invalid value was returned by the database for the Error parcel information field (being either zero or greater than 32767) when Maximum-parcel was specified as O. | Report the database problem to the Global Support Center |
Failure Code 3120 | the request is aborted because of a database recovery. | Resubmit the transaction |
Error Code 3177 | Maximum-parcel was specified as 'O' but the database requires 'H', or an invalid value was returned by the server for the data in a MinimumResponseBuffer entry in an ErrorInformation parcel, or that parcel was missing or malformed. | If Maximum-parcel was specified as 'H', report the database problem to Technical Support. |
Failure Code 3598 | concurrent change conflict on database - try again. | Resubmit the transaction |
Failure Code 3603 | concurrent change conflict on table - try again. | Resubmit the transaction |
Failure Code 3897 | request aborted due to system crash. Resubmit. | Resubmit the transaction |
If any other code appears, stop the program and investigate the problem.
For the official list of retryable codes, see “Retryable Errors” in Teradata Vantage™ - Database Messages, B035-1096.