You can write a CLIv2 program that accesses the RBM when in-doubt transactions exist, so that more of the recovery process is automated. To communicate with the RBM, you need to log on to a special kind of session and use special kinds of request and response parcels. The RBM does not accept Teradata SQL statements.
All sequences and dialogs presented assume that Teradata semantics is being used.
To log on to this special session, perform the following steps:
- Verify you have the EXECUTE privilege on the TwoPCRule macro.
The Database Administrator (DBA) must grant EXECUTE privilege on the TwoPCRule macro to all users who need to communicate with the RBM.
- Use the correct logon string, which contains your userid and password.
- Use the correct Run-pointer.
Set the Run-pointer to the address of the run string for the Run parcel (or the address of the Connect parcel body) before calling DBCHCL for the Connect function.
- Use the correct run string.
The partition name in the Run parcel or the Connect parcel should be RBM.
- Use the correct Request parcel.
Use the Request parcel format shown on the next page to send requests to the database in a CLIv2 program.
- Get the response.
To get the response, use the CLIv2 Fetch function. The responses for the RBM are described in Responses.