Information to be sent to the database is placed by CLIv2 in a request buffer. CLIv2 allocates a single request buffer per session. The allocation takes place when the session is first established. DBCHCL automatically:
- Expands the buffer if it is too small to hold the request being prepared.
- Shrinks the buffer if Request-buffer-length is less than Current-request-buffer-length.
DBCHCL uses field values that the application has placed in the DBCAREA to determine which parcels to send to the database and what to put in them. The application does not see the request buffer.
How to Calculate Maximum Length
The maximum length (in bytes) needed for the request buffer can be calculated as follows:
maximum Request-buffer-length = (14 if Request-processing-option = ‘P‘) + (4 + the maximum length of a request string) + (4 + the maximum length of using data, including indicator bytes if User Presence Bits is set to ‘Y‘) + (length of parcels in any {DBCAIRX extension} + (6 for overhead)
The second and fifth lines are always included in the calculation. The third line is included only if data is being sent to the database. The first line is included only if Request-processing-option = P.