If the Teradata SQL statement is submitted in Record Mode (Response-mode = R), the response parcels for a successful statement will be as follows:
These response parcels are not necessarily in the order in which they are returned. See Parcel Sequences for the correct return sequence.
If the Teradata SQL statement is... | Then the response parcels are as follows... |
non-data returning | Success parcel (flavor 8) or StatementStatus (flavor 205), the activity code will reflect the number of rows affected if an insert, update or delete statement; the activity count is zero for all other non-data returning statements. |
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) | |
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12) | |
data returning, or a Select statement with no WITH clause | Success parcel (flavor 8) or StatementStatus (flavor 205), the activity count will reflect the number of rows returned. |
The following parcel is repeated activity-count number of times: | |
Record parcel (flavor 10) | |
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) | |
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12) | |
a Select statement having one or more WITH clauses | Success parcel (flavor 8) or StatementStatus (flavor 205), the activity count will reflect the number of rows returned, including summary rows resulting from WITH clauses. |
The following parcel is repeated activity-count number of times: | |
Record parcel (flavor 10) | |
The following parcels are repeated for each summary row: | |
With parcel (flavor 33) | |
Record parcel (flavor 10) | |
EndWith parcel (flavor 35) | |
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) | |
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12) | |
an ECHO request | Success parcel (flavor 8) or StatementStatus (flavor 205) |
Record parcel (flavor 10) | |
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) | |
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12) |