Some values represent informational messages. For example, if an application calls DBCHCL for the Fetch function and the response buffer is in the process of being obtained, the application receives a return code that indicates the data is not yet available. The application merely fetches again either immediately or after calling DBCHWAT, depending on the technique used.
Some values represent problems from which the application can be programmed to recover. For example, one return code indicates that the move area provided for a move-mode fetch was not large enough for the next available parcel; the application must therefore supply a larger area of at least the size specified by Fetch-returned-data-length in the DBCAREA and fetch again. For more information, see Error and Failure Codes and Crash and Recovery.
Other values represent problems that applications cannot recover from on their own. For example, the return code 157 indicates the HSHSPB is missing. In this case, a programmer must contact their system administrator to check on these conditions.
Most values represent coding problems. For example, one return code indicates that an illegal combination of processing options has been set. In this case, a programmer must change the program to use a legal combination.
Return codes for various clients are not necessarily the same. For example, the return code indicating an invalid TDpid (one with valid characters but no such TDpid) is 36 on z/OS.
For more information about return codes, see the section on (IBM) Mainframe Client Messages in Teradata Vantage™ - Database Messages, B035-1096.