Usage Notes
The Output Request Id field is CLI’s logical identifier of a given request on the database computer.
Language | Variable Name |
C: DBCAREA.H: | o_req_id |
Routine | Action Taken |
DBCHINI: | writes |
DBCHCL: | writes (CON; RSUP; IRQ) |
Used by | Action Taken |
application program | reads |
When the application program regains control from a call to DBCHCL for the Connect, Run Startup, or Initiate Request function, the logical request id is available in the DBCAREA in Output Request Id.
Before using the DBCAREA again to call DBCHCL for an operation related to that request, the application program must copy the value to Input Request Id.
DBCHCL places Output Request Id in the DBCAREA as soon as DBCHCL is called for a request-generating function. Output Request Id is available after the application program regains control from DBCHCL, even in a connect operation.