DBCHFERL (Fetch Error Localized) is an extension of DBCHFER. This routine has an additional capability of returning the session-specific error information in localized form. Messages are returned by CLI, in the message buffer provided by the application, in the specified language. The length of the message returned depends on the size of the buffer allocated. The value returned by this routine is the value that was returned by the CLI service routine that encountered the error being reported.
LogSessId | Integer logical session number assigned by CLI, if error information for a specific session is desired. If this value is zero, information on the last error that occurred overall is provided. The size of this argument is the integer size on the target machine. |
ErrPtr | pointer to a structure to receive error codes. This structure is defined in COPERR.H, and has the following format: struct err_code{ int e_class; int e_reason; long e_syst; } This argument is optional and should be NULL if no specific error code information is desired. |
msgbuf | pointer to a buffer for placing error message. Allocated by the application. |
ibuflen | size of the message buffer allocated by the application |
obuflen | length of the message returned by CLI, in application-provided buffer |
msgerr | Indicating error, if one occurred while building the message.