The Resp (Response) parcel requests response data from the database. Typically, it carries the current length of the input (response) buffer. When the last record from a spool file is sent in response to a start or continue request containing a Resp parcel, the spool file is deleted.
Usage Notes
This parcel is generated by CLI at the direction of the application.
Parcel Data
The following table lists field information for the Resp parcel.
Flavor Field | Parcel Body Length | Parcel Body Fields |
4 | 2 | MaxMsgSize: 2 byte integers |
MaxMsgSize is the maximum number of bytes that can be returned to the client in one response. The minimum allowable buffer size is 256 bytes, hence MaxMsgSize must be greater than or equal to 256. Also, MaxMsgSize must be less than or equal to the size of the input (response) buffer. If the next parcel to be returned by the database is larger than MaxMsgSize, an ERROR parcel that specifies how large the buffer must be is returned. If the buffer size is too small, a larger buffer must be allocated by the application program.