These parcels are generated by the database. The application program can see all of them directly.
The following table lists the response parcels in numerical order.
Parcel Flavor | Parcel Name | Parcel Use | Parcel Length | Fields in Parcel Body |
8 | Success | Indicates that the specified Teradata SQL statement completed successfully | 18-273 |
9 | Failure | Indicates that the specified statement has a failed and the entire transaction was rolled back | 13-267 |
10 | Record | Returns one row of selected results | 5-32004/65104 | Data |
11 | EndStatement | Delimits the end of the results from the specified Teradata SQL statement | 6 | StatementNo |
12 | EndRequest | Delimits the end of a Teradata SQL response to a DBC/SQL request | 4 | None |
17 | Ok | Indicates that the specified Teradata SQL statement completed successfully | 18-273 |
18 | Field | Contains returned information (data value, title, format, or echo) | 4-32004/65104 | Data |
19 | NullField | Returns a null data value for a field | 4 | None |
20 | TitleStart | Delimits the start of a set of format-containing Field parcels | 4 | None |
21 | TitleEnd | Delimits the end of a set of format-containing Field parcels | 4 | None |
22 | FormatStart | Delimits the start of a set of format-containing Field parcels | 4 | None |
23 | FormatEnd | Delimits the end of a set of format-containing Field parcels | 4 | None |
24 | SizeStart | Delimits the start of a set of Size parcels | 4 | None |
25 | SizeEnd | Delimits the end of a set of Size parcels | 4 | None |
26 | Size | Specified the width of a column of selected results | 4 | MaxFldSize |
27 | RecStart | Delimits the start of a set of data-value containing Field and Null-Field parcels or a set of echoed string- containing Field parcels | 4 | None |
28 | RecEnd | Delimits the end of a set of data-value containing Field and Null-Field parcels or a set of echoed string- containing Field parcels | 4 | None |
32 | NOP | Sends test messages to make sure the connection is still alive. | 4 | None |
33 | With | Delimits the start of a set of parcels for the specified WITH clause | 6 | WithId |
34 | Position | Specifies the column number being summarized | 6 | ColumnNo |
35 | EndWith | Delimits the end of a set of parcels for the specified WITH clause | 6 | WithId |
46 | PosStart | Delimits the start of a set of Position parcels | 3 | None |
47 | PosEnd | Delimits the end of a set Position parcels | 4 | None |
49 | Error | Indicates that the specified statement has an error not serious enough to cause rollback | 13-267 |
71 | DataInfo | Returns a description of the following Indicator Mode Record parcels | 6-32004/65104 | FieldCount Pairs: Length Type |
86 | PrepInfo | Returns column information to the database when a Teradata SQL statement has been prepared using the Request Processing Option. | 16 to 32004/65104 | None |
101 | AssignRsp | Assigns a session COP by returning the information needed for the workstation to connect to the database. | 76 |
121 | CursorDBC | Returns cursor information. | 14 | Processor Row |
122 | Flagger | Returns language nonconformances. | 10 to 32004/65104 | Flags |
164 | ErrorInformation | After an Error parcel (flavor 49), provides additional information about the error. | 1 to maximum parcel size |
169 | StatementInformation | Returns a description of the data, when Return-statement_info ‘Y’ was returned. | 6 to maximum parcel size |
170 | StatementInformationEnd | Delimits related StatementInformation parcels. | 0 | none |
172 | ResultSet | Introduce parcels returned from a CALLed stored procedure. | 12 |
192 | StatementError | Provides independent statement errors for multi-statement requests. | 12 to 271 |
205 | StatementStatus | Functionally replaces Success and OK parcels to provide 8-byte activity count. | 32 to maximum parcel size |