If the Teradata SQL statement is submitted in Multipart Indicator mode (Response mode M), the response parcels for a successful statement will be as follows:
- If the SQL statement is a non-data returning statement, then:
- Success parcel (flavor 8)
- If an insert, update or delete statement, the activity code will reflect the number of rows affected. All other non-data returning statements will have an activity code of 0.
- EndStatement parcel (flavor 11)
- EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)
- If the SQL statement is a data returning or a SELECT statement with no WITH clause, then:
- Success parcel (flavor 8)
- The activity code will reflect the number of rows returned.
- DataInfoX parcel (flavor 146)The following occur, once for each row returned:
One or more MultipartRecord parcels (flavor 144)
and an EndMultipartRecord parcel (flavor 145)
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11)
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)
- If the SQL statement is a SELECT statement having one or more WITH clauses, then:
- Success parcel (flavor 8)
- Activity count will reflect the number of rows returned, including summary rows.
- DataInfoX parcel (flavor 146)
- With parcel (flavor 33)
- PosStart parcel (flavor 46)
- Position parcel (flavor 34)
- PosEnd parcel (flavor 47)
- DataInfo parcel (flavor 71)
- EndWith parcel (flavor 35)The following occur, once for each row returned:
One or more MultipartRecord parcels (flavor 144)
and an EndMultipartRecord parcel (flavor 145)
With parcel (flavor 33)
One for each summary row
EndWith parcel (flavor 35)
One for each summary row
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11)
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)
- If the SQL statement is a an ECHO request, then:
Success parcel (flavor 8)
One or more MultipartRecord parcels (flavor 144) and
an EndMultipartRecord parcel (flavor 145)
EndStatement parcel (flavor 11)
EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)