The response buffer must be at least long enough to hold an Error parcel or Failure parcel, so that the application program can detect a problem if it arises.
If the response buffer is not long enough for the longest parcel, CLI grows the buffer to the required size (if less than the maximum size) at the time it encounters the longest parcel. The growth operation costs CPU time. If an application program is being optimized for performance and Current Response Buffer Length is higher than Response Buffer Length, consider increasing Response Buffer Length.
- Less than 32K and the response buffer is not large enough to hold a parcel, the database returns a 3116 error. In response to it, CLI retries with a larger buffer size.
- Greater than 32K and the response buffer is not large enough to hold a parcel, the database returns a 3115 error.
CLI retries with a larger buffer size only if Maximum Parcel is set to 'H'. If Maximum Parcel is set to 'O', CLI does not retry the 3115 error with a larger buffer size, but instead returns the 3115 error to the user. This prevents retry looping.