The CONNECT function always validates and saves the DBCAREA options. The options remain in effect until another CONNECT function is requested or until the values are changed by an Initiate Request or a RunStartUp function call.
Miscellaneous Functions
The Disconnect, Fetch, Rewind, Abort, and End Request functions reference the options set by the last Connect, Initiate Request, or RunStartUp function executed.
Maximum Parcel Option
Newer databases are being defined with fields or rows greater than 32767 bytes. As a result, applications need to support larger parcel sizes. We recommend that the Maximum Parcel option be set to “H” for all future applications, indicating that the application can support parcel sizes greater than 32767 bytes. CLI now supports a parcel size of 1048500.
When using Move Mode, you may need to increase the Fetch Maximum Data Length to accommodate the larger parcels.
Language ID Option
Applications can receive messages in either English or Japanese by setting the dbcniLid field.
Language | ID |
English | EN |
Japanese | JA |
Additional information about supported languages can be found in Language Id.