When a request is made, it is added to a request queue for approval. As a lab group owner or a lab owner, you can view these unapproved requests using the Approvals tab. If you are a lab owner, your requests will be automatically approved if you have been granted approval authority. After viewing the requests, they can be approved or denied.
From the Approvals tab, you can use the Lab group and Lab lists or the state filter bar to narrow your search for approvals.
You can see the approval status of your requests from the Status column on the Requests tab.
The Total lab group space is located in the upper right of the Approvals tab and appears after you select a lab group from the list. These totals allow the approver to consider all pending space requests for the lab group in order to make informed decisions regarding individual approvals. The requested amount is the sum of lab space in megabytes of pending Add Lab and Increase Lab Size requests for the selected lab group. The available amount is the sum of currently available lab space in megabytes for the selected lab group. Both of these totals adjust as each request is approved. A message appears if the approver attempts to approve more lab space than is available for that lab group.
The following is an example of a request to increase lab size. If a request exceeds the request limits, the lab group owner sees a notification indicating the requested size exceeds the maximum set size or the expiration exceeds the maximum cumulative life.