Requesting Reinstatement of a Lab - Teradata Data Lab

Teradata® Data Lab User Guide - 23.10

Teradata Data Lab
Release Number
November 2023
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
After a lab expires, data in the Objects table in the Monitoring tab cannot be viewed; however, all users can view lab details.

Lab group owners and lab owners can submit a request to reinstate the lab or delete the lab if the lab is not to be reinstated. Requests to reinstate a lab must be approved by the lab group owner. If the lab group owner is the requester, it is automatically approved. After the request is approved, the lab is available for use again. Lab data, lab owners, and users are returned to the same state when the lab expired.

  1. Do one of the following to submit a request to reinstate a lab:
    Option Description
    From the Monitoring tab
    1. Click next to the lab, and select Reinstate Lab.

      The lab group and lab are selected for you. To change the lab group or lab, use the Requests tab to submit your request.

    From the Requests tab
    1. Click next to REQUESTS.
    2. Select Reinstate Lab from the Request type list.
    3. Select a lab group.

      Only lab groups that contain expired labs appear where you are a user.

    4. Select the lab that you want to reinstate.

      Only expired labs appear include labs in private lab groups where you are a user.

  2. Do one of the following:
    Option Description
    Set an expiration time frame on the lab Select the Expire lab after check box and either select the number of days from the list or type a number from 1 to 9999 and press Enter.
    Set no expiration on the lab Clear the Expire lab after check box.
  3. [Optional] Enter a comment up to 500 characters.
    These comments give information to the approver and appear in the Request Details pane of the Approvals tab.
  4. Click Submit.
    You will receive an email notification after your request has been approved, depending on your email notification settings.
After your request has been approved, you can see the same Analytics Database users and roles that were in place prior to the lab expiration from the Request Details pane in the Requests tab, displayed in groups as Full control and Read-only. The reinstated lab appears in the Labs table in the Monitoring tab.