Requesting a Lab - Teradata Data Lab

Teradata® Data Lab User Guide - 23.10

Teradata Data Lab
Release Number
November 2023
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Anyone can submit a request to add a lab. Any lab size or expiration date can be requested.
  1. Do one of the following to submit a request to add a data lab:
    Option Description
    From the Monitoring tab
    1. In the Lab Groups table, click the name of the lab group to which you want to add a lab.
    2. In the Labs table, click next to LABS.

      The lab group is selected for you.

    From the Requests tab
    1. Click next to REQUESTS.
    2. Select Add Lab from the Request type list.
    3. Select a lab group.

      All lab groups appear including private lab groups where you are a user.

      For new lab users if at least one lab group exists:
    1. Immediately after connecting to a system in the Data Labs portlet, click Add Lab.
    2. Select a lab group.

      All lab groups appear including private lab groups where you are a user.

    A lab prefix displays as read-only if a prefix was added when the lab group was created.
  2. Enter a lab name up to 24 characters.
  3. Enter a size up to 999 MB, GB, or TB, depending on the available allocated space for the lab group, which is set by the lab group owner.
  4. Do one of the following to select an expiration time frame for the lab:
    Option Description
    Set an expiration time frame on the lab Select the Expire lab after check box and either select the number of days from the list or type a number from 1 to 9999 and press Enter.
    Set no expiration on the lab Clear the Expire lab after check box.
    The expiration displayed is set by the lab group owner, but you can select any expiration time frame.
  5. [Optional] Enter a description for the lab up to 500 characters.
  6. [Optional] Enter the lab instructions up to 500 characters.
    Lab instructions provide guidance and best practices to help lab users. For example, provide information for loading data into objects using Teradata Data Mover or load utilities such as FastLoad or MultiLoad. The instructions can contain text and URLs and can be updated at any time.
    Default lab instructions may have been created by the lab group owner, but you can overwrite the instructions for your specific lab.
  7. [Optional] Select the number of days (7, 14, or 30) prior to this lab expiring that an email notification is sent to all owners of this lab.
  8. Enter a percentage (1% to 99%) of available space left at which an email notification is sent to all owners of this lab.
  9. Click Submit.
    You will receive an email notification after your request has been approved, depending on your email notification settings.
After your request has been approved, you can see the lab was added by looking for the lab name in the Labs table in the Monitoring tab. If you do not see the lab, determine the status of your request from the Status column in the Requests tab.