You can browse the following tables for monitoring lab groups, labs in a lab group, and objects in a lab. For a description of the columns in the tables, see Metrics for Monitoring, Approvals, and Requests Tabs.
Tables | Description | Columns Available | Navigation |
Lab groups | Monitor all the lab groups on the Analytics Database systems that contain labs that you either own or have access to. The bar chart in the Space column shows the total space allocated to the lab group in gray, the space allocated to labs in the lab group in dark green, and the space in use within all labs in the lab group in light green. The content appears red in the Allocated and % Allocated columns when the allocated space is within the threshold set for Lab Group Size in the Settings view. |
From the Monitoring tab, the Lab Groups table appears in the top pane. |
Labs | Monitor all the labs that you either own or have access to. The bar chart in the Space column shows the total space allocated to the lab in gray and the amount of space in use within the lab in dark gray. The content appears red in the Used and % Used columns when the used lab space is within the threshold set for Lab Size in the Settings view. |
From the Monitoring tab, when you click a lab group row, the Labs table appears in the middle pane. |
Objects | Monitor all the objects in a lab. |
From the Monitoring tab, when you click a lab group row, and then click a lab row, the Objects table appears in the bottom pane. |