A data lab is a separate dedicated space within a production data warehouse used for agile development of new analytic queries that can combine personal, ad hoc, or temporary data with production data. Data labs are governed by the DBA or by designated users, depending on the needs of the organization.
The Teradata Viewpoint Administrator can use the Roles Manager portlet to assign portlet permissions to the roles. Setting the Manage Lab Groups permission enables the role to create, edit, and delete lab groups. Enabling the Dictionary data collector in the Monitored Systems portlet makes sure displayed data stays fresh in the Data Labs portlet and permissions are synchronized with the Analytics Database.
Lab group owners, lab owners, and lab users use the portlet to submit requests to add or delete a lab, increase or decrease the lab size, extend the lab expiration date, and so on.
The Settings view allows you to set thresholds that turn information red in the portlet view. From the portlet frame, you can set criteria for receiving email notifications.