The dmcluster config command sets up SSH connections between the DM1, DM2, DM3, VP1, and VP2 servers. These connections are used by the Data Mover monitoring service to monitor the primary Data Mover components and initiate a failover if any of the primary components stop working.
- On the primary (DM1) server, enter the following changes to the file:
-, DM2, DM3
-, DM2, DM3
- Run ./dmcluster config as root and follow the following prompts:
Prompt Action Please enter the USERNAME for the primary repository [datamover]: Provide the database user name for the primary Data Mover repository on DM1. Please enter the 'datamover user PASSWORD for primary repository: Provide the password for the mentioned username on the primary Data Mover repository on DM1. Please enter 'postgres' user password for the primary repository: Provide the Postgres user password for the primary Data Mover repository on DM1. Please enter the USERNAME for the secondary repository [datamover]: Provide the database username for the secondary Data Mover repository on DM2. Please enter the PASSWORD for secondary repository: Provide the password for the mentioned username on the secondary Data Mover repository on DM2. Please enter 'postgres' user PASSWORD for secondary repository: Provide the Postgres user password for the secondary Data Mover repository on DM2. Please enter the password for root@DM1(PRIMARY DAEMON): Provide the root Linux password for DM1. Please enter the password for root@DM2(SECONDARY DAEMON): Provide the root Linux password for DM2. Please enter the password for root@VP1(PRIMARY MONITOR): Provide the root Linux password for VP1. Please enter the password for root@VP2(SECONDARY MONITOR): Provide the root Linux password for VP2. Please enter the password for root@DM3(PRIMARY Agent(s)): Provide the root Linux password for DM3. Do you need to backup the primary repository to the secondary repository? [y or n] Failover requires that the primary and secondary repositories are in sync. Enter y to sync up the repositories.