Using Teradata Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers
This guide describes the procedure to install and upgrade the Data Mover portlet, and system requirements, configuration, and deployment of the Teradata® Data Mover components. The administrative tasks are also available in the guide.
The contents are for system administrators, database administrators and relational database developers, customers, and Teradata customer support. Only the root users can install, configure, and perform administrative tasks on Data Mover components.
Why Would I Use this Content?
This document has the following information related to Data Mover, which helps you to start the Data Mover setup:
- Required open ports on the Data Mover server
- System requirements
- Network diagrams
- Configuration of different components
- Deployment on VMware
- Procedures to perform administrative tasks
- Upgrade and installation procedures
How Do I Use this Content?
Refer to this document as per your role and requirements:
- If you are a root user, refer to the installation, configuration, and administrative task sections to work with Data Mover components.
- If you are a beginner, go through the port information and network diagrams to understand the Data Mover architecture.
- If you are familiar with vSphere, vCenter, ESXi terminology and understand switches, datastores, VM templates, .ova, .ovf, and other database components, use this content to deploy Data Mover on VMware.
How Do I Get Started?
Start with the Overview section to understand the product and prepare your system for Data Mover. Go through the Deploying Data Mover on VMware section to get details on VMware deployment. Refer to the respective sections for further requirements such as:
- Upgrading Software: Install and upgrade Data Mover portlet and software.
- Configuring the Environment: Configure Data Mover components.
- Deploying Data Mover on VMware: Deploy Data Mover on VMware.
- Administrative Tasks: Administrative tasks for administrators.
References to Other Relevant Software
- To back up the DSA repository, refer to Teradata® DSA User Guide, B035-3150.
- To install the DSA, refer to Teradata® Data Stream Utility Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide, B035-3153.