Data Mover automatically chooses a default source and target session character set when creating or executing a job. The default session character set is ASCII, UTF8, or UTF16. The session character set chosen for each job is determined by the versions of the source and target systems and the characteristics of the objects being copied. Choosing a different source and target session character set is useful when the object names or data were originally created using a different session character set than any of the default values. For example, if data was originally inserted into the source table using KANJISJIS_0S as the session character set, you would want to specify KANJISJIS_0S as the source and target session character set when copying the data using Data Mover.
Data Mover supports specifying all of the session character sets supported by the Teradata JDBC driver as follows:
- UTF8
- UTF16
- LATIN1252_0A
- SCHGB2312_1T0
Data Mover does not support user defined session character sets or the 12 Vantage session character sets that the JDBC driver currently does not support. This is due to the fact that Data Mover cannot execute any queries on the source or target system if using any of these character sets.
The session character sets can be specified for both the source and target system in the job definition as follows:
<source_tdpid>hummingbird</source_tdpid> <source_user>dmguest</source_user> <source_password>dmguest</source_password> <source_session_charset>KANJIEUC_0U</source_session_charset> <target_tdpid>apollo</target_tdpid> <target_user>dmguest</target_user> <target_password>dmguest</target_password> <target_session_charset>KANJIEUC_0U</target_session_charset>