The create_cloud_staging allows you to create a cloud staging area that you can use when creating a Data Mover job using the Cloud Staging Copy Service. There are two options for creating a cloud staging area:
- Provide Source and Target system Target Groups that have already been defined in DSC and paired in a Target Group Map
- Provide AWS S3 information and allow Data Mover to define the Target Groups and Map
Data Mover XML SchemasParameters
See Parameter Order.
- dm.rest.endpoint
- [Optional] Enter a Data Mover REST server URL to overwrite the default value specified in the commandline.properties file in order to connect to a different REST server (and therefore a different daemon) at runtime.
- response_timeout
- [Optional] Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for response from the Data Mover daemon.
- security_password
- [Optional] Password for the super user or authorized Viewpoint user.
- security_password_encrypted
- [Optional] Encrypted password for the super user.
- security_username
- [Optional] User ID of the super user or authorized Viewpoint user. The user ID of the super user is dmcl_admin and cannot be changed.
Usage Notes
Type datamove create_cloud_staging -f cloudstagingarea.xml to create a cloud staging area. When the command is complete a message appears stating that the cloud staging area successfully created.
XML File Example
The following example shows creating a cloud staging area with predefined target groups and target group mappings.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <dmCreateCloudStaging xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.teradata.com/unity/DataMover.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <name>stagingarea</name> <storage_type>S3</storage_type> <source_target_pairs> <source_target_pair> <source_system>sourceSystem</source_system> <source_system_target_group>sourceSystem_stagingarea_tg</source_system_target_group> <target_system>targetSystem/target_system> <target_system_target_group>targetSystem_stagingarea_tg</target_system_target_group> </source_target_pair> </source_target_pairs> </dmCreateCloudStaging>
The following example shows creating a cloud staging area where Data Mover configures DSC for AWS S3, and automatically configures target groups and target group mappings.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <dmCreateCloudStaging xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.teradata.com/unity/DataMover.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <name>csa1</name> <storage_type>S3</storage_type> <s3_properties> <access_key_id>ABCDEFGH</access_key_id> <secret_access_key>AbcDEfgHIjklmNop123/456qRstUVwXyZ</secret_access_key> <buckets_by_regions> <buckets_by_region> <region>us-west-2</region> <buckets> <bucket> <bucket_name>my-s3-bucket</bucket_name> <prefix_list> <prefix> <prefix_name>backup</prefix_name> <storage_devices>100</storage_devices> </prefix> </prefix_list> </bucket> </buckets> </buckets_by_region> </buckets_by_regions> </s3_properties> <source_target_pairs> <source_target_pair> <source_system>sourceSystem1</source_system> <target_system>targetSystem1</target_system> </source_target_pair> </source_target_pairs> </dmCreateCloudStaging>