The delete_event_table command enables you to delete an existing Event table.
See Parameter Order.
- dm.rest.endpoint
- [Optional] Enter a Data Mover REST server URL to overwrite the default value specified in the commandline.properties file in order to connect to a different REST server (and therefore a different daemon) at runtime.
- event_table_name
- Label that uniquely identifies the installation of the Event table.
- security_password
- [Optional] Password for the super user or authorized Viewpoint user.
- security_password_encrypted
- [Optional] Encrypted password for the super user.
- security_username
- [Optional] User ID of the super user or authorized Viewpoint user. The user ID of the super user is dmcl_admin and cannot be changed.
XML File Example
For the delete_event_table command, type datamove delete_event_table -f parameters.xml.
The following example is a parameters file for the delete_event_table command.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<dmDeleteEventTable xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009"