The edit_cloud_staging allows you to edit an existing cloud staging area. Limitations to what you can edit in an existing cloud staging area are:
- Access Key ID (Only if initially provided when creating the cloud staging area.)
- Secret Access Key (Only if initially provided when creating the cloud staging area.)
- Source Target Pairs.
Data Mover XML SchemasParameters
See Parameter Order.
- dm.rest.endpoint
- [Optional] Enter a Data Mover REST server URL to overwrite the default value specified in the commandline.properties file in order to connect to a different REST server (and therefore a different daemon) at runtime.
- response_timeout
- [Optional] Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for response from the Data Mover daemon.
- security_password
- [Optional] Password for the super user or authorized Viewpoint user.
- security_password_encrypted
- [Optional] Encrypted password for the super user.
- security_username
- [Optional] User ID of the super user or authorized Viewpoint user. The user ID of the super user is dmcl_admin and cannot be changed.
Usage Notes
Type datamove edit_cloud_staging -f editcloudstagingarea.xml to edit a cloud staging area. When the command is complete a message appears stating that the cloud staging area successfully edited.XML File Example
The following example shows editing an existing cloud staging area initially created with predefined target groups and target group mappings. In this scenario you can only modify source_target_pairs.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <dmEditCloudStaging xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.teradata.com/unity/DataMover.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <name>stagingarea</name> <storage_type>S3</storage_type> <source_target_pairs> <source_target_pair> <source_system>sourceSystem2</source_system> <source_system_target_group>sourceSystem2_stagingarea_tg</source_system_target_group> <target_system>targetSystem2/target_system> <target_system_target_group>targetSystem2_stagingarea_tg</target_system_target_group> </source_target_pair> </source_target_pairs> </dmEditCloudStaging>
The following example shows editing an existing cloud staging area where Data Mover configured DSC for AWS S3, target groups and target group mappings. In this scenario you can modify access_key_id, secret_access_key, and source_target_pairs .
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <dmEditCloudStaging xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.teradata.com/unity/DataMover.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <name>csa1</name> <storage_type>S3</storage_type> <s3_properties> <access_key_id>ABCDEFGH</access_key_id> <secret_access_key>AbcDEfgHIjklmNop123/456qRstUVwXyZ</secret_access_key> <buckets_by_regions> <buckets_by_region> <region>us-west-2</region> <buckets> <bucket> <bucket_name>my-s3-bucket</bucket_name> <prefix_list> <prefix> <prefix_name>backup</prefix_name> <storage_devices>100</storage_devices> </prefix> </prefix_list> </bucket> </buckets> </buckets_by_region> </buckets_by_regions> </s3_properties> <source_target_pairs> <source_target_pair> <source_system>sourceSystem1</source_system> <target_system>targetSystem1</target_system> </source_target_pair> </source_target_pairs> </dmEditCloudStaging>