The encrypt_password command creates an encrypted password from a password entered as a parameter on the command line, interactively, or through an XML file with a specific format. The generated password can then be used as a value for -source_password_encrypted or -target_password_encrypted when using the create and move commands.
See Parameter Order.
- dir
- [Optional] Name of the directory in which Data Mover stores the encrypted password file. If you specify a directory, but not a filename, the command returns the encrypted password to standard output.
- dm.rest.endpoint
- [Optional] Enter a Data Mover REST server URL to overwrite the default value specified in the commandline.properties file in order to connect to a different REST server (and therefore a different daemon) at runtime.
- filename
- [Optional] Name of an XML file to which Data Mover writes the encrypted password.
- password
- Password to encrypt. If you do not enter a password on the command line, the command prompts you to enter a password interactively. When you enter a password interactively, your input is masked with a set number of asterisks, regardless of the length of the password.
XML File Examples
To use an XML file with the encrypt_password command to generate an encrypted password, type datamove encrypt_password -f pw_parameters.xml.
For security purposes, specifying passwords as plaintext and storing them in a file is not recommended. You can create an encrypted password file such as pw_parameters.xml, without saving a plaintext password in the file. In the following example, no value is provided for the <password> tag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<dmGetEncryptedPassword xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009"
Data Mover prompts you to enter the password, then writes the encrypted password to /home/.dmauth/apw.xml. /home/.dmauth/apw.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<dmGetEncryptedPasswordOutput xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009"
The following example of a pw_parameters.xml file shows values for all tags.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<dmGetEncryptedPassword xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/dataMover/v2009"
Data Mover writes the encrypted password to /home/.dmauth/apw.xml.