The following table describes columns of the event table (TMSM table):
Column Name | Description | Sample Values | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ResourceId | Base name of the Data Mover job running, without a timestamp. | sample_job_1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ResourceType | A string that describes the task type, the event, and the location. Use HBEAT for the health check. The following table describes the base names of different task types:
TDPID | Host name for source or target system depending on where the job is running. |
UOWId | Alternate ID or name for the batch of work associated with the job. If you provide a value for this parameter, Data Mover reports this value as the unit of work ID when sending events to Teradata Ecosystem Manager or to its internal TMSMEVENT table. If you do not specify this parameter, Data Mover uses a default value as the unit of work ID when sending events to Teradata Ecosystem Manager or to its internal TMSMEVENT table. The default value for the unit of work ID is composed of the job execution name and the current timestamp. For example, if you want to define the origins of a query source the job execution name is sales_table, the default value of the unit of work ID is sales_table-20211110122330. | sample_job_1-20211110122330 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventType | Row event type For example, HCHK stands for Health check. |
EventTS | DateTime string representing the event logging time in the Event table. | 2021-11-10 12:24:04.689000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventDate | Date string representing the event logging time in the Event table. | 2021-11-10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
CreatedTS | DateTime string representing the event logging time in the Event table. | 2021-11-10 12:24:04.689000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventMsg | Event description depending on the type of the event happening. 200 characters is the limit for this column. | [ TaskID:308 ] ERROR: Failed SQL: ------------------ CREATE MULTISET TABLE database1622651320374.Table16226513204_ee3988_t ,NO FALLBACK , NO BEFORE JOURNAL, NO A Replication Completed. ROW_COUNT_VALIDATION is starting. SQL has completed creating the object database1622651320374.sp1622651320438 |
UOWHealthAmt | Number of processed rows For example, when archiving a table, this column reports the number of rows exported. The value can also be null. |
100 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWHealthStr | A string that describes the number of bytes and rows processed as part of the task. | 2 rows 84 bytes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
AlertCode | Associated error code For example, 3870 indicates the table does not exist, and Null indicates rows have no errors. |
13525 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
SeverityLvl | Value of severity level Set the column value to 10 for the alerts. For other events, set the column value to 1 or keep it empty. |
EventSourceSystem | Hostname of the system Depending on the location of the event, the column value can be the hostname of the Agent or the Daemon process. |
EventSourceUser | OS username used by Data Mover Depending on the location of the event, the column value can be the username used for the Agent or the Daemon process. |
dmuser | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
JobName | Job execution name | sample_job_1-20211110135117 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
JobStep | ID of the current event step. | 1, 2, 3,... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventDML | Similar to ResourceType column describing specifically the type of event happening without the tailing string _source and _target. | Sample ResourceType to EventDML mappings:
Optional1 | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optional2 | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optional3 | Set to 1 for non health check steps, and Null for health checks. | 1 and Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
StateCode | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ApplicationId | Set to DataMover string. Indicates that the row is inserted by Data Mover. | DataMover | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
AffectedDatabaseName | Parenting database name of the processing object. | database1622651320297 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
AffectedTableName | Name of the object that is processed as part of the step. |
LogFile | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWClass | Job execution name | sample_job_1-20211110122330 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWName | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWDesc | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWTS | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWFromTS | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWDate | Not used - Set to Null | Null | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
UOWSourceSystem | Hostname of the system where the daemon is running. | mysystem12232 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ModifiedTS | DateTime string representing the event logging time in the Event table. | 2021-11-10 13:52:04.050000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
MDA_VERSION | Metadata version which is set to 101. | 101 |