This API allows you to edit an existing cloud staging area. Limitations to what you can edit using the API in an existing cloud staging area are:
- Access Key ID (Only if initially provided when creating the cloud staging area.)
- Secret Access Key (Only if initially provided when creating the cloud staging area.)
- Source Target Pairs.
The properties of the cloud staging area you cannot edit are:
- Cloud Staging Area name
- Buckets by Region
To change the name of the cloud staging area or the Buckets by Region properties, you have to delete the cloud staging area and create again with the desired changes.
Edit the existing cloud staging area using the following URL and method:
Item | Description | ||
URL | /datamover/cloud-staging-areas/staging_area_name | ||
Method | PUT |
Request Parameters
- name
- Description: Name of the cloud staging area
- storage_type
- Description: Specify cloud storage type. Currently only S3 is supported
- s3_properties
- Description: AWS S3 information used to create the cloud staging area
- source_target_pairs
- Description: Source and target system information
Response Parameters
- account_name
- Description: Name of the created cloud staging area
- messages
- Description: Contains error and warning messages
Response Example
{ "messages": { "errors": [], "warnings": [] }, "account_name": "my_staging_area" }
The following is a request example to edit the cloud staging area that was initially created with predefined target groups and target group mappings. In this scenario you can modify only source_target_pairs.
{ "name": "cs2-cloudstagingarea", "storage_type": "S3", "source_target_pairs": [ { "source_system": "sourceSystem", "source_system_target_group": "sourceTGroup", "target_system": "targetSystem", "target_system_target_group": "targetTGroup" }, { "source_system": "targetSystem2", "source_system_target_group": "targetTGroup2", "target_system": "sourceSystem2", "target_system_target_group": "sourceTGroup2" } ] }
The following is a request example to edit a cloud staging area where Data Mover configured DSC for AWS S3, target groups, and target group mappings. In this scenario you can modify the access_key_id, secret_access_key, and source_target_pairs.
{ "name": "cs2-cloudstagingarea", "storage_type": "S3", "s3_properties": { "access_key_id": "ABCDEFGH", "secret_access_key": "AbcDEfgHIjklmNop123/456qRstUVwXyZ", "buckets_by_region": [ { "buckets": [ { "bucket_name": "example-bucket", "prefix_list": [ { "prefix_name": "backup", "storage_devices": 100 } ] } ], "region": "us-west-2" } ] }, "source_target_pairs": [ { "source_system": "sourceSystem", "target_system": "targetSystem" }, { "source_system": "sourceSystem2", "target_system": "targetSystem2" } ] }