TDPUSEC processes three types of calls:
- Initialization
- Security Violation
- Terminate
The exit can be activated using the TDP ENABLE USEC command, either as part of TDP startup in TDPPARM, or anytime thereafter. It can be deactivated anytime using the TDP DISABLE USEC command.
If the TDPUSEC module is replaced, the new version can be used by first deactivating the old version using the TDP DISABLE USEC command then activating the new version using the TDP ENABLE USEC command. Between the two commands, TDPUSEC is not being used.
The exit is initialized when an ENABLE USEC command is executed. During initialization, TDPUSEC obtains a work area, opens files, and so on.
When a security violation call is received by TDPUSEC, it takes one of the following actions:
- Sets a return code that indicates the following:
- An error message is to be issued to the client operator and written to the system log, and
- A Security Violation SMF/SMS record is to be written (for z/OS only)
- Returns control to TDP, which called TDPUSEC.
A terminate call is processed by TDPUSEC when TDP is disabled or a DISABLE USEC command is executed. When this call is received the exit closes all files and cleans up all resources.
For a coding example of the TDPUSEC routine, refer to the sample TDPUSEC that is shipped with TDP.
The parameter list is described by the TDPUSPRM macro, which is distributed with the product.