The actual definition of the character set is contained in the file associated with the specified DDNAME. Sequential files with fixed or varying length unspanned record formats are supported.
If the records are fixed 80 byte records, columns 73 through 80 are reserved for traditional sequence numbers and are ignored; otherwise, the entire record is used. Records containing only blanks are ignored. If the first non-blank characters of a record are /*, the record is considered a comment and ignored.
Statements can be continued onto multiple records using continuation characters. If the last non-blank character is a minus sign, the minus sign is discarded and the statement continues with the first column of the next record. If the last non-blank character is a plus sign, the plus sign is discarded and the statement continues with the first non-blank column of the next record. A statement can be continued onto any number of records. A semicolon can be added to the end of any statement. The semicolon is discarded before the statement is processed.