Logon - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference - 17.20

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities


Establishes a session if the userid and password are valid

Usage Notes

If an account is not supplied, the default account for the user is used.

This parcel is generated by CLIv2 at the direction of the application.

Parcel Data

Field information for the Logon parcel is as follows:

Flavor Field Body Parcel Length Parcel Body Fields
36 1 to 6916 LogonString: 1 to 6916

Field Notes

LogonString is a character string containing the following elements:

userid, password[, ‘account’]


The userid is the user’s identification. It must consist of at least one character and can consist of as many as 6916 characters. Each character might require 1, 2, or 3 bytes, depending on the character set used. The userid can be enclosed in apostrophes, each of which requires 1 byte (2 bytes if Unicode).

Note that SQL terminal symbols (such as apostrophes) must always come from the shortest repertoire; that is 1 byte. Terminal symbols are never 3 bytes.

The userid and password must be separated by a comma.

The password is the user’s password. It must consist of at least one character, and can consist of as many as 6916 characters. Each character might require 1, 2, or 3 bytes, depending on the character set used. The password can be enclosed in quotation marks, each of which requires 1 byte (2 bytes if Unicode).

Note that SQL terminal symbols (such as quotation marks) must always come from the shortest repertoire; that is 1 byte. Terminal symbols are never 3 bytes.

If the account is not omitted, the password and account must be separated by a comma.

The userid, password, and account name each consists of characters from the session character set.

When supported by the session character set, double-byte characters can be included by preceding each contiguous group of them with the Shift-out control character, X’0E’, and following this group with the Shift-in control character, X’0F’.

Neither commas nor blanks can be specified as double-byte characters.

The password is usually required, but it might be optional in the logon string submitted by the application if the site has an exit routine that validates the userid.

The account (optional) is the account under which the user is logging on. The account can consist of as many as 6916 characters, and it must be enclosed in apostrophes. Any apostrophe in the account name must be represented by two apostrophes. The second apostrophe is not counted toward the limit of 6916 characters. Each character might consist of 1, 2, or 3 bytes, depending on the character set used. If the account string consists of 6916 apostrophes, and is encoded in Unicode (2-byte terminal symbols), 124 bytes are necessary to specify the field.

The userid and password must satisfy the lexical characteristics of Teradata SQL words.

See the description of lexical characteristics in Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Fundamentals, B035-1141 or Teradata Vantage™ - Database Design, B035-1094.