Disables TDP internal sessions that are used for Two-phase commit in-doubt resolution.
Usage Notes
This command disables the In-doubt Resolution Facility (IRF), which consists of two TDP-internal sessions used for Two-phase commit in-doubt resolution. The result of the DISABLE IRF command is that the two TDP-internal sessions are logged off from the database.
If there are no other sessions logged on and the DISABLE IRF command is completed, the status display on the RDBMS console changes to LOGON/QUIET. This LOGON/QUIET state is necessary for the Reconfiguration program to be run.
Use the DISABLE IRF command to log off the internal sessions, which have the jobname of *TDPINT*. After executing the Reconfiguration program, use the ENABLE IRF command to re-establish the two internal sessions.
If IRF is disabled, then automatic in-doubt resolution and the TDP commands for manual in-doubt resolution (COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and DISPLAY INDOUBT) are rejected. Note that if IRF is disabled, you are still able to use manual in-doubt resolution if you use a CLIv2 application or the TPCCONS utility.
Completion Message
TDP0445 sessiontype SESSION ENDED
where sessiontype is either RBM (Resolver Base Module) or LOG. Usually, one message is displayed for the RBM session and one for the LOG session.