Diagnostic Operands - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference - 17.20

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following information is meaningful when consulting with Teradata customer support personnel. When the indicated operand is specified, the associated information is presented.


The REQUESTS operand summarizes any pending and active requests.
  • Request number
  • Session number
  • State of the request as follows:
    State Description
    ACTIVE The request has been sent.
    PENDING The request is waiting to be sent.


The DETAIL operand displays diagnostic information about the NP:
  • The database NP number
  • The encapsulation protocol status (NOT ACQUIRED, INIT'ING ENVELOPE) as previously defined.
  • The communication protocol status (NOT OPERATIONAL, OPERATIONAL) as previously defined.
  • The database and TDP relationship (SYNC'ING, QUIESCED) as previously defined.
  • The number of requests and bytes sent, and I/Os issued.
  • The number of responses and bytes received, and I/Os issued.
  • The total number of messages and bytes transferred, and I/Os issued (if relevant to NP selection).
  • The number of communication-protocol buffers associated with any current I/O.
  • The maximum number of buffers used for any one communication-protocol.
  • The number of times a communication-protocol was limited by the maximum number of blocks per I/O.
  • The number of times a communication-protocol was limited by the maximum amount of virtual storage available for I/O.
  • The number of buffers being constructed to send.
  • The number of times a delay was incurred waiting for a buffer to send.
  • The number of failing attempts to obtain a buffer to receive data.
  • The number of times a delay was incurred waiting for a 992-byte cell to receive a response.
  • If there is a current delay for a 992-byte cell to receive a response.
  • The number of times communication with the database was established and the number of times it was restored.


When an NP has been acquired, the NETWORK operand displays diagnostic information about the network:
  • Whether the NP was acquired by name or address
  • The network name
  • The network IP address
  • The TDP and database port numbers
  • The network transport


The ENVELOPE operand displays diagnostic information about the encapsulation protocol. When encapsulation has been initialized, the following negotiated parameters are displayed, if meaningful:
  • The database NP qualifier
  • If using the UDP transport, the current database port and whether it results from acquisition, from a Connect, or from a Reconnect.
  • The maximum number of bytes per transmission
  • The maximum number of bytes per protocol block
  • The maximum number of transmissions before receipt of some is confirmed
  • The maximum number of seconds before receipt of some transmission is confirmed
  • The maximum number of times confirmation of some receipt may be forced
  • The maximum number of seconds an NP may remain idle
  • The maximum number of seconds to reconnect
  • Any indicators defining NP processing
For sending requests to the database, the following information is displayed, if meaningful:
  • The number of times an I/O was limited by the amount of NP virtual storage.
  • The number of attempts to obtain an I/O buffer that failed.
  • The number of times TDP awaited confirmation that data was received by the database; and the number of times a request for confirmation was repeated after not being received.
  • If output (to the database) is currently waiting for confirmation that sent data was received by the database.
  • The number of times data that duplicated data already received, and the number of such duplicate bytes.
For receiving responses from the database the following information is displayed, if meaningful:
  • The number of times an I/O was limited by the amount of NP virtual storage.
  • The number of attempts to obtain an I/O buffer that failed.
  • If there is a current delay waiting for the remainder of an encapsulation block.

If the DETAIL operand is also specified, minimum and maximum bytes in any transmission received from the database for the NP is displayed.


The PROTOCOL operand displays a listing of diagnostic information about the communication protocol being used by the NP.

The following information will be displayed for the NP:
  • Any explicit SP-number and the rounding factor
  • The maximum number of bytes per block
  • The maximum number of bytes per structure


The SELECT operand displays a listing of diagnostic information for the selection of the NP for sending requests. When appropriate for the current operation the information can include:
  • The relative power of the NP to other NPs
  • The origin of other NPs when this NP was started


The CHECKSUM operand displays the status of checksum in effect for NP. The information can include:
  • The status of ecapsulation-checksum as 'ON'.
  • The number of times that the database has activated checksum (if the status is AUTO)
    If the status is AUTO, ACTIVE indicates that checksum has been activated by the database and INACTIVE indicates that it has not.
  • If the status is AUTO, the number of messages sent to the database with checksums (if checksums have been processed)
  • If the status is AUTO, the number of messages received from the database with checksums (if checksums have been processed)