The following information is always displayed, as applicable:
- The NP name
- The current TDP command status for the NP, as either DETACHED, STOPPED, STARTED, or HALTED. The first three correspond to normal TDP NP commands; HALT is a command TDP issues internally. If the command has not completed, then DETACHING, STOPPING, STARTING, or HALTING will be displayed; when the command completes the state becomes DETACHED, STOPPED, STARTED, or HALTED.
- If the destined TDP command status differs from the current status, '(BEING status)' is displayed, where 'state' is either DETACHED, STOPPED, STARTED, or HALTED.
- Any special NP conditions, as follows:
Condition Description ENDING Use of the NP is ending. TEMP-ERROR NP transmission is being retried. PERM-ERROR NP transmission has failed. - If the communication status of the NP is not normal, the NP number and that status, as follows:
Status Definition NOT ACQUIRED The TDP NP is not yet associated with any database NP NOT OPERATIONAL Communication with the database is not established. OPERATIONAL Communication with the database has been established. INIT’ING ENVELOPE Operational but the encapsulation protocol between TDP and the NP is being initialized. INIT’ING PROTOCOL Operational but the communication protocol between TDP and the database NP is being initialized. SYNC’ING Operational but the status of TDP has not yet been synchronized with that of the database. QUIESCED Operational but the number of consecutive requests sent to the database on the NP without receiving any responses exceeded the value indicated by the DISPLAY CONFIG XP DETAIL command. - The number of any active or pending requests.
- If quiesced, the number of consecutive requests sent to the database on the NP without receiving any responses.
- If communication with the database has been lost, the event number of the current communication problem; if attempts have been made to restore communication, the number of such attempts; whether reconnection or a new connection will be attempted; and the most recent reasons detected for the communication loss in both the input and output directions (these reasons are those displayed by TDP3508 messages when NPCOMM DETAIL is enabled).