Enables a TDP internal diagnostic trap. The trap causes the TDP to perform a specified action if the trap conditions occur.
In the following attribute descriptions, lowercase letters represent optional characters.
- BADcp
- Trap an invalid CP device.
- BADNptu
- Trap an NP transmission unit that contains an invalid encapsulation header.
- Trap a checksum validation failure for an NP or CCU-type CP.
- Trap a client encapsulation violation.
- CLIentvp
- Trap a client protocol violation.
- FAUltrsp
- Trap a faulty response. A faulty response is one whose parcels do not exactly fill the response.
- IMPrstrt
- Trap detection of an implicit CP restart. An implicit CP restart occurs when TDP was not informed of the restart of a CP directly by the CP, but rather detects the restart by subsequent errors returned by the database.
- MATchrsp
- Trap a response from the database containing a specified warning, error, or failure code
- MISrtrsp
- Trap a misrouted response. A misrouted response is a response from the database that was received on a CP or NP other than the one that sent the request.
- NORead
- Trap detection of the unexpected lack of a read when CP is recovering from a loss of communication with the database.
- PERmio
- Trap a CP permanent I/O error.
- Trap a database encapsulation violation.
- SERverpv
- Trap a database protocol violation.
- UNSolrsp
- Trap detection of an unsolicited response. An unsolicited response occurs when TDP receives a response from the database that is not associated with a request that had been sent by TDP
Optional parameters:
- NAMe
- Provides a name to be associated with the trap. If omitted, TDP supplies a default name.
- name
- Trap name; length is 1 to 8 characters.
- ABEnd
- Terminate TDP if the trap condition occurs. This is the default.
- SNAp
- Record the event to TDPSNAP if the trap condition occurs.
- CODe
- For a MATCHRSP trap, provides the database warning, error, or failure code.
- codevalue
- Numeric value of the database warning, error, or failure code, between zero and 65535. While zero is not a valid code, it is permitted to allow trapping an erroneous error or failure code of zero. For the Success and OK parcels, a warning code of zero indicates there is no warning code so specifying a value of zero will never trap a warning; trapping a warning code of zero works for the StatementStatus parcel.
Usage Notes
The trap can be removed by using the DISABLE TRAP command.
For event types that do not support the ACTION operand, or when the ACTION operand is not specified, ABEND is the implied action.
This command is intended for use in consultation with Teradata Customer Support personnel.
Completion Message