TDP Operator Command Descriptions - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference - 17.20

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
The sections that follow contain detailed descriptions of each TDP operator command, listed alphabetically. Each command description includes:
  • A brief explanation of the command function
  • The command syntax
  • Usage notes that describe how the command operates and how it can be used
  • An example of a command entry
  • The normal completion message to expect
  • For display commands, an example result is also included

The following table lists TDP operator commands and summarizes their functions.

Command Function
ADD CELLS/XMSCELLS Adds cells of main memory or cross memory PC cells to a TDP.
ATTACH CP Allocates a specified channel device from the operating system.
ATTACH IFP (Deprecated by ATTACH CP) Deprecated: convert to ATTACH CP.
ATTACH NP Creates a representation of an NP but performs no necessary function. Supported only for consistency with CPs.
COMMIT For Two-phase commit sessions, commits the changes in the specified in-doubt sessions.
CONFIG Establishes controls and default values for TDP information.
DETACH CP Deallocates a specified channel device from the operating system.
DETACH IFP (Deprecated by the DETACH CP command) Deprecated: convert to DETACH CP.
DETACH NP Deletes the representation of an NP from TDP.
DISABLE IRF Logs off TDP internal sessions that are used for Two-phase commit in-doubt resolution.
DISABLE LGUX Causes TDP to stop passing logon requests to the User Logon Exit Interface (TDPLGUX).
DISABLE LOGONS Causes TDP to stop accepting requests from applications. Logons are not enabled when TDP starts.
DISABLE NPCOMM Stops TDP from producing messages related to the reasons, the loss, and the resumption of communication for an NP.
DISABLE POOL Prevents logons to one or more pools.
DISABLE SECLOGON Disables the security logon interface to the System Authorization Facility (SAF) on z/OS Client systems.
DISABLE SESSION DETAIL Stops TDP from producing messages that indicate the elapsed time spent in the application and on the database when a session ends.
DISABLE SESSION RESERVE Causes TDP to release the reserved session capacity so that customer applications can use the maximum session capacity supported by the database.
DISABLE SESSION STATUS Stops TDP from producing messages when a session starts or stops.
DISABLE SMF Prevents SMF information from being recorded.

In the VOS3 environment, applies to SMS records.

DISABLE TDPSTATS Causes TDP to stop collecting performance data.
DISABLE TEST Causes TDP to stop writing the informational/diagnostic messages generated by TEST mode to the system console. TEST mode is not enabled when TDP starts.
DISABLE TIME Prevents TDP from sending time to the database.
DISABLE TMON Disables TDP calls to the User Transaction Collection Exit (TDPUTCE), which is enabled when TDP starts.
DISABLE TRAP Stops a TDP diagnostic trap.
DISABLE UAX Causes TDP to stop accepting requests from the user address space exit.
DISABLE USEC Causes TDP to stop passing security/ logon violations information to the User Security Interface (TDPUSEC), which is enabled when TDP starts.
DISPLAY CCU (Deprecated by the DISPLAY CONFIG CP DETAIL command) Deprecated: convert to DISPLAY CONFIG CP.
DISPLAY CELLS Displays all availability and usage information generated by the TDP internal memory management system.
DISPLAY CHECKSUM (Deprecated by the DISPLAY CONFIG CP DETAIL command) Deprecated: convert to DISPLAY CONFIG CP DETAIL.
DISPLAY CONFIG Display the controls and default values set by the CONFIG command.
DISPLAY CP Displays the status of one or more channel processors (CPs).
DISPLAY IFP (Deprecated by the Display CP command) Deprecated: convert to DISPLAY CP.
DISPLAY INDOUBT For Two-phase commit sessions, displays any in-doubt sessions or any coordinators that have in-doubt sessions.
DISPLAY JOB Displays the status of jobs that are communicating with the database through TDP.
DISPLAY LIMIT (Deprecated by the DISPLAY CONFIG XP DETAIL command) Deprecated: convert to DISPLAY CONFIG XP DETAIL.
DISPLAY MODULE Displays information about a TDP module.
DISPLAY NP Display the status of one or more Network Processors (NPs).
DISPLAY POOL Lists information and statistics about session pools.
DISPLAY QUEUES Displays the status of internal work queues for a TDP.
DISPLAY SERVER Displays attributes of the database with which TDP is communicating.
DISPLAY SESSIONS Displays the status of sessions that are communicating with the database through TDP.
DISPLAY SMF Displays the status of SMF recording.

In the VOS3 environment, applies to SMS records.

DISPLAY SP Displays the status of one or more session processors (SPs).
DISPLAY STORAGE Displays information about the use of virtual storage by TDP.
DISPLAY TDP Displays the status of TDP.
DISPLAY TDPSTATS Displays the status (enabled or disabled) of TDPSTATS.
DISPLAY TRACK Display which internal diagnostic information is being collected and its disposition.
ENABLE IRF Logs on TDP internal sessions that are used for Two-phase commit in-doubt resolution.
ENABLE LGUX Causes TDP to begin passing logon requests to TDP User Logon Exit Interface (TDPLGUX).
ENABLE LOGONS Causes TDP to begin accepting logon requests from applications. Logons are not enabled when TDP starts.
ENABLE NPCOMM Causes TDP to produce messages related to the reasons, the loss, and the resumption of communication for an NP.
ENABLE POOL Enables logons to one or more pools.
ENABLE SECLOGON Enables the security logon interface to the System Authorization Facility (SAF) on z/OS Client systems.
ENABLE SESSION DETAIL Causes TDP to produce messages that indicate the elapsed time spent in the application and on the database when a session ends.
ENABLE SESSION RESERVE Causes TDP to reserve session capacity for recovery processing in the event of the failure of an SP, thus reducing the maximum number of sessions that it can control during its current run.
ENABLE SESSION STATUS Causes TDP to produce messages when a session starts or stops.
ENABLE SMF Causes SMF information to be recorded.

In the VOS3 environment, applies to SMS records.

ENABLE TDPSTATS TDP to begin collecting performance data.
ENABLE TEST Causes TDP to start writing the informational and diagnostic messages generated by TEST mode to the system console.

TEST mode is not enabled when TDP starts.

ENABLE TIME Causes TDP to send time to the database.
ENABLE TMON Enables TDP calls to the User Transaction Collection Exit (TDPUTCE), which is enabled when TDP starts.
ENABLE TRACK Requests the collection and disposition of internal diagnostic information.
ENABLE TRAP Establishes a TDP diagnostic trap.
ENABLE UAX Causes TDP to pass requests to the user address space exit. Currently, only connect or logon requests are passed.
ENABLE USEC Causes TDP to start passing security/ logon violations information to the User Security Interface (TDPUSEC), which is enabled when TDP starts.
INITIAL CCU (Deprecated by the CONFIG CP MAXBLKNM, MAXBLKSZ, and MAXCKSUM commands) Deprecated: convert to CONFIG CP MAXBLKNM, MAXBLKSZ, and MAXCKSUM commands.
INITIAL IACMODE Choose the mode of communication between TDP and an application program.
INITIAL IOBUFS Change the number of I/O buffers for CPs not requiring the CCU operand on the START command.
INITIAL IOMODE Choose the mode used by TDP for channel I/O to the database.
INITIAL JOBWAIT Choose the amount of time that an application can be in a wait state before TDP initiates an activity to prevent the application from being timed out by the operating system.
INITIAL LSQA Control the use of LSQA in address spaces communicating with the RDBMS.
INITIAL MAXSESS While still functional, this command has been replaced by the SET MAXSESS command.
INITIAL MSGPREF Control the TDP identifier that normally appears before the message prefix.
INITIAL OSSISUFX Associate a TDP with the version of HSIOSSI (if SVC mode) or HSISXMS (if PC mode) that is used by the subsystem in which the TDP is to run.
INITIAL PCSUFX Associate a TDP with the version of the TDPNSPCI module that is used in the TDP subsystem.
INITIAL RSTTIME (deprecated) Deprecated: convert to CONFIG COMMLOST MSG INTERVAL command.
INITIAL TRUNCRSP Specifies if truncation of a response is to be indicated by a return code.
INITIAL USERID While still functional if the USERID uses the EBCDIC character set, this command has been replaced by the SET USERID command, which supports all character sets.
LOGOFF Forces one or more sessions to be logged off the database.
LOGOFF POOL Ends a pool immediately by forcing the logoff of pool sessions that are in use by application programs.
MODIFY POOL Increases or decreases the number of sessions in a pool.
MODIFY SECLOGON Changes the messages display option for the security logon interface to the System Authorization Facility (SAF) on z/OS Client systems
RESOLVE For in-doubt Two-phase commit sessions, manually resolve the in-doubt status.
ROLLBACK For Two-phase commit sessions, rolls back the changes in the specified in-doubt sessions.
RUN Causes operator commands entered from TDPPARM or the system console to be executed.
SET CHARSET Establishes the character set with which userids and logon strings are specified in TDP commands.
SET CHECKSUM (Deprecated by the CONFIG CP CHECKSUM command) Deprecated: convert to CONFIG CP CHECKSUM.
SET COMCHAR Establishes or changes the communication character that is used to link operator command entry with a TDP to be initialized.
SET LIMIT (Deprecated by the CONFIG XP MAXNORSP command) Establishes limits used by TDP.
SET MAXSESS Establishes the maximum number of sessions that TDP can control during its current run.
SET STORAGE (Deprecated by the CONFIG CP STORAGE command) Deprecated: convert to CONFIG CP STORAGE.
SET USERCS Establishes characteristics of a user-defined character set that is available on the database.
SET USERID Establishes the database system userid for TDP internal sessions.
SHUTDOWN Stops TDP operation.
START CP Causes TDP to begin communicating with the database using a specified channel device.
START IFP (Deprecated by the START CP command) Deprecated: convert to START CP.
START NP Causes TDP to begin communicating with the database using the network.
START POOL Establishes and enables a session pool.
STOP CP Ends communication with the database using a specified channel device.
STOP IFP (Deprecated by the STOP CP command) Deprecated: convert to STOP CP.
STOP NP Ends communication with the database using a specified network connection.
STOP POOL Ends one or more session pools in an orderly manner.